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Free game Monday! Check out Planet S, a real-time strategy game where your goal is to colonize multiple planets in a solar system to advance your civilization.
K-D Lab have revived their classic RTS, with PERIMETER: Legate Edition now available on Steam with full Native Linux support and it's even open source.
Men of War II is officially here from Best Way and Fulqrum Publishing, and serves as a great intro into historical real-time strategies games for newbies and veterans alike.
The release of the strategy game Men of War II is fast approaching from Fulqrum Publishing and Ukrainian studio Best Way, which is confirmed to have Native Linux support but there's one sore spot.
Perimeter originally released back in 2004, and it's set to make a return from developer K-D Lab with the PERIMETER: Legate Edition. It's also open source!
Manor Lords is currently another 2024 release smashing through the charts on Steam! Coming from developer Slavic Magic and publisher Hooded Horse, it's certainly impressive.
How about a free (and open source) game to add to your library? Roboden is an asymmetrical indirect control real-time strategy game about robot colonies and it's now Steam Deck Verified.
Need some more RTS in your life? Combined Arms is one of my favourites. Built on the free and open source OpenRA, it brings together the Allies, Soviets, GDI, Nod and Scrin.
I'm a real sucker for anything involving spaceships and Falling Frontier from Stutter Fox Studios and Hooded Horse releasing in 2025 looks like it could be epic.
From Glory To Goo is a new upcoming real-time strategy game from Stratagem Blue that has me a little excited, and so far the demo seems to work quite well on Linux.
Ah, what a classic! Warzone 2100 is a quality real-time strategy game that was originally a full proprietary commercial release from 1999 that's nowadays free and open source and it only keeps getting better!