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The latest expansion to the medieval grand strategy game focuses on the East and the splendors of China. I had the opportunity to play ahead of release and have a few thoughts to share.
This ambitious DLC adds new shiny toys to nearly every nation of the Near East. I did my best to navigate religious and political strife ahead of release and can share a few thoughts on the experience.
Intra-System: Trust Issues, aside from being a mouthful to say, is a short adventure game with a heavy emphasis on audio feedback and choices. I gave this recently-ported free game a play and have a few thoughts to share.
I love tower defence games. So I thought I’d give you all a list of some of the best, some honourable mentions, and outline a few of the titles I’ve yet to try, in the hope that you’ll tell me why I should!
Trackless merges first person exploration and puzzles with a strange futuristic world. I put in the time to explore and take in the sights and have a few thoughts to share.
With the release of the source code to both Doom 3 and the later BFG Edition, there now exists three options for Linux users wanting to play the game. Having gone through Doom 3 again, I decided it was time for me to compare them and give my thoughts on both the game and which of the three versions are best for Linux users in 2017.
Space is vast and travelling through it can often be hazardous. The Away Team follows the crew of the last spaceship to leave Earth in search of a new home. I gave this interactive sci-fi novel a try and have some thoughts on the experience.
The developer of The First Tree emailed in to let everyone know that their beautiful 3rd-person exploration game is now on Linux 'due to a ton of requests'.
DwarfCorp allows you to take on an expedition of dwarves looking to make it big in untamed lands. I gave this Early Access title a look to see how it’s shaping up.