Category: Review

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Digging Up A 1999 Fossil With Freespace 2, Have You Tried It? It’s Excellent.

By Liam Dawe,
Freespace 2 is a space combat simulator game from way back in 1999, it may be old, but it has an official open source engine and you should really give it a run.

A Review Of Minimalist Hardcore Platformer INK

By flesk,
INK is a minimalist hardcore platformer where you paint levels as you play, by running and sliding along surfaces, and with the paint splatter of your many deaths.

Civilization: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide Expansion Released & Thoughts From A Civ Addict

Civilization: Beyond Earth is a sci fi-themed entry in the much-beloved and long-running Civilization series. It came out late last year to mixed reception and now has seen the release of its first expansion. I decided to check out Rising Tide to see if it managed to recapture some of that classic Civ magic.

GOL Cast: Dominating Scoreboards In Polychromatic

By Samsai,
After a pretty long hiatus related to my school work, I have finally returned to reclaim the GOL Cast throne. This time we'll be taking a look at Polychromatic, a recently released indie twin-stick shooter.

Crookz - The Big Heist Review

By Keyrock,
Crookz - The Big Heist is a game that came out of nowhere for me. I remember a live action trailer announcing the game a long time ago, then nothing until a free demo popped up a little over a week before the game's release. I wound up playing the demo and enjoyed it enough that I scooped up the full game.

The Arctic Cooling Alpine 64 PRO Rev.2 Is Cheap & Fantastic AMD CPU Cooler

By Liam Dawe,
I am so shocked with the performance of the Arctic Cooling Alpine 64 PRO Rev.2 that I decided to give it a small write up.

Company of Heroes 2 Reviewed For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
It’s still not all that often we get such big games, although it is increasing, so here’s a more detailed look at Company of Heroes 2 on Linux.

A Review Of Gravity Platformer Airscape, Now Has Linux Demo

By flesk,
Airscape is a playful gravity platformer that feels like an essential buy to any fan of challenging platformers, and now has a Linux demo on Steam.

Gryphon Knight Epic Shoot 'Em Up Released For Linux, It’s Pretty Terrible Right Now

By Liam Dawe,
I took a look at Gryphon Knight Epic a good looking retro-inspired shoot ‘em up from Cyber Rhino Studios.

Satellite Reign Strategy Game Released For Linux, Some Impressions

By Liam Dawe,
As a big fan of the old Syndicate, I’ve waited for this day for a long time. So, how is Satellite Reign on Linux?

Puzzle Platformer 'In Between' Released On Steam For Linux, Has A Demo

By flesk,
In Between is a story-driven puzzle platformer with gravity rotation mechanics that has the makings of a new classic.

Celestian Tales: Old North RPG Released For Linux, Some Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
After a little miscommunication it turns out Celestian Tales: Old North did release as originally planned day-1 on Linux, and I managed to give it a go and write down some thoughts for you.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Reviewed For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Feral Interactive sure do know their stuff with their porting, so it’s time we took a proper look at Shadow of Mordor on Linux.

GOL Cast: Bombarding Planets In Interplanetary

By Samsai,
So this game has been sitting on my todo list for a while. I delayed it due to bugs in the Early Access version and after that I had plenty of new material to cover. But I think it's time to go back and see where this ended up. Let's go blow up some planets!

A Review Of Exploration Adventure Game 'Beyond Eyes' On Linux

By flesk,
Beyond Eyes is an exploration game a bit out of the ordinary. It was released on Steam for Linux earlier this week, and here's what I think of it.

Kill The Bad Guy: Vindictive Impressions Of A Vindictive Physics Puzzler

By HadBabits,
Do you fancy things like revenge fantasies and silly physics games? If so, then Kill The Bad Guy might do for you. The game has you playing as the invisible hand of an organization trying to murderize people they find unsavory in various ways.

War For The Overworld Strategy Game Thoughts & Small Interview

By Liam Dawe,
War for the Overworld came out of early access with a bit a shaky launch, and now it’s been polished up a bit I gave it a look and spoke to the developer.

Catacomb Kids Is A Delightful Platformer Roguelike Where You Die A Lot, I Bloody Love It

By Liam Dawe,
Catacomb Kids is something I’ve been meaning to try for a while, so I bit the bullet and loaded it up. What I found was quite charming, and deadly.

Sail The Seas In ‘Windward’, Some Thoughts On This Arrrr Game

By Liam Dawe,
Windward came out of Early Access in May, and I finally had some time to sit down and give it a proper go, and what I found was quite interesting.

Coffin Dodgers Racer Released Out Of Early Access, My Initial Thoughts On It

By Liam Dawe,
Coffin Dodgers is a good looking arcade racer that has been fully released for Linux. I decided to take a look and see if it’s worth your time.
Showing 660 to 680 of 800 entries found.