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Verdun WW1 FPS Major Engine Update, Plus A Few Thoughts About The Game

The WWI FPS Verdun has been in Early Access and on Linux for over a year now. A major patch was released a few days ago which updated the engine to Unity 5. Time to take a look at it!

Retro Action Platformer 'Gunslugs 2' Released, And The First Game Is Now Also On Linux

By flesk,
The sequel to the popular run 'n' gun platformer is now out, and as a last minute surprise, the developer OrangePixel also made the first game available for Linux today. We have played the follow-up, and it offers the same enjoyable action frenzy as the original, but in a more accessible package.

GOL Cast: Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse In Project Zomboid

By Samsai,
Zombie games can be usually placed into one of two categories, survival and gore-fest. You either attempt to survive the day to day life or you chop large hordes of zombies into pieces. Project Zomboid takes the survival route.

ROCCAT Ryos MK Pro Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, Reviewed

By Liam Dawe,
You thought buying a keyboard was a simple matter, well I did, and I was so very badly wrong. Here are my thoughts on the ROCCAT Ryos MK Pro Mechanical Gaming Keyboard.

GOL Cast: Bringing Humanity To New Worlds In Civilization: Beyond Earth

By Samsai,
After a bit of a wait it's finally possible for you to bring your penguins to space and colonize new worlds in the name of Torvalds. But how does Civilization: Beyond Earth fare, what are its strengths and weaknesses? Let's find out.

GOL Cast: Exploring Consciousness In The Talos Principle

By Samsai,
Among all of the games that were released recently was this first person puzzle game with an interesting concept and gorgeous graphics and ever since playing the demo I knew I'd have to feature it on GOL. So, let's get to the good stuff!

GOL Cast: Uniting Planets In The Last Federation

By Samsai,
Once again I'd like to apologize for my absence during the past weeks. I've been sick and overly busy but I'm back in business and I bring you my thoughts on The Last Federation and the Betrayed Hope expansion.

This War Of Mine Is Bleak, Interesting & Difficult, Our Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
This War of Mine is a really interesting take on the survival genre, and it's very bleak all the way through.

Sproggiwood Is As Charming As It Looks, Our Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Sproggiwood was released for Linux recently, and we decided to give it a go to see how it performs, and to let you know if it's worth you throwing your money at the screen for.

GOL Cast: Tank Warfare And Dogfights In War Thunder

By Samsai,
Though we already knew about War Thunder's Linux port back in June the release was still quite sudden and unexpected. So, let's find out if it's worth our time and how the F2P model works.

The Dark Descent of Frictional Games: Part Two

By Hamish,
In the second of a two part opinion series, I will offer up my own personal conviction that the Amnesia games do not actually live up to the full potential demonstrated by their predecessors.

The Dark Descent of Frictional Games: Part One

By Hamish,
In the first of a two part opinion series, we will explore how the Penumbra games through a process of gradual evolution created a solid design template for later Frictional Games titles to follow.

GOL Cast: Trying to Strike a Profit in Merchants of Kaidan

By Samsai,
I talk a lot about Early Access, because the majority of games sent to us are on there. The games there range from awesome to awful, and Merchants of Kaidan has a bit of both.

A Golden Wake Review, Game Release Today

By flesk,
Wadjet Eye Games make their first same-day release for Linux with the release of A Golden Wake today. Follow real estate agent Alfie Banks in this retelling of historical events during the Florida land boom in the early 1920s and the following Great Depression.

GOL Cast: Freezing Bandits and Claptrap Logic in Borderlands 2

By Samsai,
There has to be a conspiracy of some sort against us. I believe someone somewhere is deliberately trying to ruin our productivity by unleashing a storm of awesome games that we (at least I) get hooked on. Here's one of them: Borderlands 2!

GOL Cast: Heavy Bombardment in Cannon Brawl

By Samsai,
I guess it's time to come back from the cruel wasteland and take a look at this simple yet fun indie strategy game that is not quite like anything I've seen before.

GOL Cast: Maintaining the Law of Post-Apocalyptic World in Wasteland 2

By Samsai,
Sorry I'm a bit late! This game turned out to be a bit more addictive than I intially thought and only now I managed to escape for a moment to write this article. But let's get to the point and see what awaits us in the post-apocalyptic world of Wasteland 2!

GOL Cast: Furiously Counterattacking in Ground Pounders

By Samsai,
There aren't too many collectible card games on Linux, but here's something a bit like that. Though it comes with plenty of traditional turn-based strategy along with the cards. Let's see what's in it!

GOL Cast: Hiding and Eating Furniture in Not The Robots

By Samsai,
To balance both my schedule and my workload I decided to pick and play something that isn't too heavy on content and mechanics. Not The Robots fits that category nicely so let's see what's in store for us this time.

GOL Cast: Fighting A Desperate Battle in AI War

By Samsai,
An RTS fan? Well, you might like what this complex strategy game about a galactic war against an over-powered AI brings to the table. Let's see what AI War is all about!
Showing 740 to 760 of 800 entries found.