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Core Keeper from developer Pugstorm has a fresh major content upgrade coming, the first post-release update and it's going to release really soon on March 10.
Luanti (formerly Minetest) has a new release out, which finally adds an in-game settings menu so you don't have to quit your current game to adjust things.
Can you truly call yourself a "gamer" if you haven't at least spent a good few hours doing nothing but digging a hole? I have answered the call and my hole has been dug.
Back in 2020 the strategy game Antimatter sure looked exciting during the Kickstarter, with the developer steadily building up all the promised features.
With a style that's a fair bit similar to Minecraft with an expansive universe seen in the likes of No Man's Sky, the recently announced Cubic Odyssey from Atypical Games and Gaijin Network Ltd looks pretty darn fun.
A Game About Digging A Hole sounds like it might actually be somewhat amusing. As the name suggests, it's all about digging down deep where you might find some secrets.
Terraria 2? Well, they can't call it that of course, but it sure looks like it. Coming from developer Pugstorm and published by Chucklefish, KYORA looks quite delightful.
Mojang have today released Minecraft Java 1.21.4 'The Garden Awakens' update for everyone, bringing with it some fun new toys and a new biome to carefully explore.
Blending the mining and side-scrolling from Terraria, with the building and automation from Factorio — AutoForge looks interesting. Maybe this will scratch an itch you didn't know you had.
Giving off some early Untitled Goose Game vibes, Goeland is a non-linear open-world adventure where you're one of the most annoying birds on the planet - the seagull.
Secret Agent Wizard Boy and the International Crime Syndicate is the latest game from the Szymanski crew who you might know from the likes of DUSK, My Friendly Neighborhood and other games. It's basically a Harry Potter rip-off that's pretty comically good.
Minetest, a voxel game engine created to be something like a Minecraft clone, is finally smashing apart the chains to become more its own unique thing.