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Category: Sandbox

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Open-world, vehicle sandbox adventure 'TerraTech' updated with online multiplayer & better performance

By Liam Dawe,
Fancy building a vehicle and exploring a hostile alien landscape? Or perhaps you're more into building a vehicle and battling others online. TerraTech now allows you to do both.

Sounds like your parks are going to get busier in Parkitect and perform better

By Liam Dawe,
Parkitect, the sweet park builder from Texel Raptor that's currently in Early Access is already fantastic and the developer is working on improved performance.

Voxel Turf just had a huge update, the AI can now build cities and hired goons can be given orders

By Liam Dawe,
Voxel Turf, the urban sandbox that's a little like Minecraft with elements of a city-builder and GTA has just had a huge update.

Parkitect beta 5 is out with a night mode that makes your park look awesome

By Liam Dawe,
Parkitect, the game that sucks away time like a black hole because it's just so lovely has become even more beautiful with beta 5.

Factorio will have a price increase this month and leave Early Access soon

By Liam Dawe,
It seems when covering the latest Factorio update we missed two rather important things: The price is going to increase and it's leaving Early Access soon.

Project 5: Sightseer is finally adding some PvE content to the exploration sandbox game

By Liam Dawe,
Project 5: Sightseer was love when I first tried it and it continued to be love until you realised how empty it was. The developer is finally making steps to solve this with some PvE content.

Procedural co-op space sandbox 'Avorion' has a rather hefty combat update

By Liam Dawe,
For those of you who're huge space nerds like me, you will likely want to take a look at the space sandbox game Avorion, especially with the latest combat update.

BROKE PROTOCOL is like a low-poly GTA Online and it's coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
BROKE PROTOCOL, a low-poly open-world action game that's a little like GTA Online and it's coming to Linux.

Sandbox space exploration game 'Space Impossible' has a Linux test build that works well

By Liam Dawe,
I'm such a sucker when it comes to games involving space travel, exploration and building a ship. Turns out that Space Impossible has a Linux version on Steam.

The developer of sandbox RPG Kynseed would bring it to Linux 'if the demand is there'

By Liam Dawe,
Kynseed is a 2D sandbox RPG that looks absolutely gorgeous and the developer is open to a Linux version if there's enough demand.

Parkitect beta 4 is out with a Floorless Coaster, improved performance and here's a quick video

By Liam Dawe,
Parkitect, the super sweet game about building your own theme park has a new beta out with a new ride and improved performance.

Space colony sim 'Maia' has a major update, masses of improvements and something about robots

By Liam Dawe,
I do absolutely love watching space colony sim Maia evolve. This latest release is probably the best I've played and it's really coming together nicely now.

Project Zomboid development keeps on shuffling forward

The zombie survival game in Early Access continues to mature and get new features. Its previous vehicle beta has been updated and the next build will feature even more improvements.

The excellent 'Oxygen Not Included' Occupational Upgrade is now out

By Liam Dawe,
Oxygen Not Included is such an addictive game it's quite crazy and the Occupational Upgrade seems to be pretty good.

Train Station Simulator now has an alpha version available for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
As promised, the developers of Train Station Simulator have put up a Linux alpha build for you to play around with.

Eco, a detailed sandbox simulation game is launching on Steam Early Access soon

By Liam Dawe,
Eco is a hard game to properly describe, it's a detailed sandbox simulation game where players construct buildings and towns, establish a government with laws and it's backed up by a rich ecological simulation. It's also heading to Steam Early Access next month.

ASTRONEER, a game of interplanetary exploration finally has Linux support on the roadmap

By Liam Dawe,
I've been personally waiting for this one for quite some time! ASTRONEER, a game of interplanetary exploration finally has Linux support officially on the roadmap.

Some early thoughts on the open-world sandbox game ‘Project 5: Sightseer’

By Liam Dawe,
Project 5: Sightseer is a hard game to describe properly, but it certainly has managed to capture my attention.

Sci-fi city builder 'Surviving Mars' to release in Spring 2018, more info revealed

By Liam Dawe,
Paradox and Haemimont Games have announced that their sci-fi city builder 'Surviving Mars' will release in Spring 2018. They've also released more information about the game.

Factorio 0.16 is out with artillery, cliffs, more high-res graphics and more

By Liam Dawe,
Factorio 0.16 is a huge release for this fantastic early access game and it comes with a lot of shiny new stuff.
Showing 240 to 260 of 621 entries found.