Category: Sandbox

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Open-world vehicle building adventure 'TerraTech' free to play until April 21

By Liam Dawe,
British indie team Payload Studios have put their Linux game, TerraTech, up on a long Steam Free Weekend so you can download and play for free now until April 21.

Terraria has now sold over 30 million copies as they get closer to the massive Journey's End update

By Liam Dawe,
Terraria from developer Re-Logic has now officially passed 30 million sales and shows no sign of stopping, as they approach a huge update with Journey's End.

Physics-based medieval siege engine battler 'Besiege' leaves Early Access after 5 years

By Liam Dawe,
Five years might seem like a little long but crafting something special takes time and Besiege is definitely worthy of the time it spent in development.

The latest update and brand new trailer for 'Vintage Story' look fantastic

By Liam Dawe,
With a survival experience that's so crammed full of features you're likely to get lost for weeks, Vintage Story has always looked pretty good. Recently though? They turned it up a notch or two.

Medieval siege engine builder 'Besiege' leaving Early Access on Feb 18 - price to rise

By Liam Dawe,
Spiderling Studios have announced their physics-based medieval siege engine builder, Besiege, is leaving Early Access on February 18 and the price is going to rise.

Build massive circuits in 'Logic World' (prev. The Ultimate Nerd Game) releasing in March

By Liam Dawe,
Logic World (previously known at TUNG - The Ultimate Nerd Game), a game about building circuits and making fun machines with them now has a release date.

You can test the huge "Nether Update" for Minecraft in the latest Snapshot

By Liam Dawe,
Mojang are busy bees working on a massive update to Minecraft, mainly focusing on expanding The Nether and you can test out this big update in a brand new Snapshot.

Detailed open-world space sandbox game 'Avorion' leaving Early Access soon

By Liam Dawe,
Boxelware have announced that Avorion, their procedural co-op space sandbox where you build your own spaceship will leave Early Access soon.

Action-packed drone building game 'Nimbatus' has a huge update, we have 3 copies to give away

By Liam Dawe,
We've teamed up with Stray Fawn Studio again to give away three copies of their space drone construction game, Nimbatus, plus there's a massive update out now.

Silly physics sandbox Garry's Mod is getting some big upgrades

By Liam Dawe,
Garry's Mod is a game about screwing around, playing with physics and possibly creating your own fun game and it's about to get some big upgrades.

Deep open-world survival game Vintage Story adds a big new weather system

By Liam Dawe,
It's getting a lot more difficult to hold myself back on that buy button on Vintage Story, with so many huge updates to it lately. Another is now in testing, adding in a big new weather system.

Do you hear an odd buzzing sound? Minecraft 1.15 is out with a new friend

By Liam Dawe,
Mojang just released the stable Minecraft 1.15 build with a new stripey friend, the Buzzy Bee and a bunch of new blocks.

The huge Journey's End update for Terraria is delayed into next year

By Liam Dawe,
Terraria is set to get a massive free expansion with the huge Journey's End update, sadly it's not going to make it out the door this year.

The fantastic co-op space sandbox Avorion should now be easier to get going

By Liam Dawe,
Avorion already had a lot of things truly nailed down, from the freedom to build and explore to the excellent presentation but one thing it lacked was a good experience for newer users. Now it should be much improved.

Factorio is leaving Early Access in September next year

By Liam Dawe,
As a result of the team behind Factorio feeling like it's going on for too long, they've now set a proper release date.

X4: Foundations update 2.60 is out, X4: Split Vendetta and the big 3.0 update both delayed

By Liam Dawe,
A couple of bits of news from Egosoft to share for their massive space sci-fi sandbox X4: Foundations.

First-person block-based urban sandbox city-builder 'Voxel Turf' adds new biomes

By Liam Dawe,
Voxel Turf is such a unique gem that blends multiple types of games together. It allows you to run around in first-person, build a city and fight off gangs. A big surprise update just dropped too.

Oxygen Not Included should perform a lot better with the latest update

By Liam Dawe,
While Oxygen Not Included is one of my favourite games to come out in the last year, it did have a few performance issues here and there which the latest update should hopefully solve.

Build and battle game From the Depths is officially launching this November

By Liam Dawe,
Game developer Brilliant Skies sent word that their game From the Depths is getting ready to finally leave Early Access on November 7th.

Minecraft is set to get a huge update to the Nether with new mobs and biomes plus Bees

By Liam Dawe,
Mojang have announced some pretty huge additions coming to Minecraft during MINECON and some of it sounds quite exciting!
Showing 140 to 160 of 620 entries found.