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Category: Simulation

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Prison Architect, A Prison Building Sim Alpha 18 Launched

By Liam Dawe,
Prison Building just got a whole-lot more educational in the latest alpha of Prison Architect! Get educating your inmates!

RimWorld Space Colony Sim Alpha 2 Is Now Out

By Liam Dawe,
The awesome RimWorld colony simulator has now reached the second alpha, it adds a ton of new content not to miss.

PARAGON, A Good Looking Space Trading & Combat Game

By Liam Dawe,
PARAGON is my latest discovery, a good looking space trading and combat game. Currently in early access for peanuts.

GOL Cast: Catching Phantoms and Poltergeists in GhostControl Inc.

By Samsai,
In an early episode of GOL Cast I was the poltergeist, but today I am actually trying to catch them while managing my ghost busting business!

Democracy 3 Review On Linux, I Fail At Running A Country

By Liam Dawe,
I am no stranger to thinking that I can run my country better than my current government, and it is not often that a game can prove you so badly wrong.

Sunken, An Underwater Research Laboratory Sim

By Liam Dawe,
So, you like building sims right? Sunken a game about building and managing a deep sea research laboratory looks like it will be pretty fun.

Spacebase DF-9 Space Station Building Sim Alpha 4 Released With Video

By Liam Dawe,
DoubleFine have released the fourth alpha for Spacebase DF-9 adding lots of new features like research labs!

Crater Maker Now Available On Desura In Alpha

By Liam Dawe,
Crater Maker is an interesting looking space pilot simulation game in a procedurally built galaxy. They say it is easy to learn, but hard to master.

Papers, Please Joins The Long List Of Linux Games On Steam & Humble

By Liam Dawe,
Papers, Please is now on Linux which joins a very long list of games available for us on Steam, quite an interesting one.

RimWorld Intense Sci-fi Colony Sim Alpha 1 Released

By Liam Dawe,
No idea how I missed RimWorld as it looks fantastic, funded by Kickstarter RimWorld aims to be a pretty interesting colony building simulator.

Interview With A Developer From Kerbal Space Program

By Liam Dawe,
As promised we took some time to speak to the guys behind Kerbal Space Program, a game where you take control of your own space program and launch little Kerbals into space.

Papers, Please Out For Linux In A Few Days

By Liam Dawe,
On the 12th of February LINUX operating passes are to be granted equal consideration on passing the borders, Glory to Arstotzka!

Prison Architect Alpha 17 Launches With Armed Guards

By Liam Dawe,
Prison Architect the prison building simulation game has a brand new alpha version featuring a much requested feature, guards can now be armed!

Rymdkapsel Space Station Sim Officially Available On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Rymdkapsel is a bit of an odd looking game, but it sure does make up for its odd looks with its crisp game-play. I played a bit of it and give it a small run-down for you.

Rymdkapsel To Arrive On Steam For Linux This Month

By Liam Dawe,
The odd looking Rymdkapsel space station simulator will hit our digital shelves on the 30th January on Steam and directly from the developer.

Steam Bandits: Outpost New To Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
A new release for Linux in Steam's Early Access is Steam Bandits: Outpost what will become a free to play game in the future, it looks pretty decent too.

The New Interstellaria Alpha Teaser Looks Fantastic

By Liam Dawe,
Interstellaria the 2d space SIM/RPG/Sandbox game has a new alpha trailer and wow this game looks fantastic, this is going to be a true must-have for sci-fi space fans.

Wings of Saint Nazaire Retro Space Combat Sim New Alpha & New Video

By Liam Dawe,
Wings of Saint Nazaire is a retro space combat sim in the vein of Wing Commander™ and X-Wing™ and it's already fantastic with crisp music and beautiful visuals.

Cities In Motion & Cities In Motion 2 Released For Linux On Steam

By Liam Dawe,
The day has come simulator fans, both Cities in Motion & Cities in Motion 2 including the new DLC have been released for Linux on Steam!

Cities In Motion 2 Shows Up In Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Only a few days back we broke news to you that Cities In Motion 2 was soon to drop for Linux gamers on Steam, it seems for a lot of people it's now installable!
Showing 1120 to 1140 of 1181 entries found.