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I am no stranger to thinking that I can run my country better than my current government, and it is not often that a game can prove you so badly wrong.
As promised we took some time to speak to the guys behind Kerbal Space Program, a game where you take control of your own space program and launch little Kerbals into space.
Rymdkapsel is a bit of an odd looking game, but it sure does make up for its odd looks with its crisp game-play. I played a bit of it and give it a small run-down for you.
A new release for Linux in Steam's Early Access is Steam Bandits: Outpost what will become a free to play game in the future, it looks pretty decent too.
Interstellaria the 2d space SIM/RPG/Sandbox game has a new alpha trailer and wow this game looks fantastic, this is going to be a true must-have for sci-fi space fans.
Wings of Saint Nazaire is a retro space combat sim in the vein of Wing Commander™ and X-Wing™ and it's already fantastic with crisp music and beautiful visuals.
Only a few days back we broke news to you that Cities In Motion 2 was soon to drop for Linux gamers on Steam, it seems for a lot of people it's now installable!