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Orangepixel have announced that Gunslugs:Rogue Tactics, their action platformer with stealth elements is closing in on a release date and it's looking great.
According to the information on it, Hegemone Pass is a stealth RPG (they say JRPG, but they're actually French). It's set in the Greek Underworld, with combat and exploration mixed in with an alert system
SKYHILL: Black Mist from Mandragora and Klabater looks like a promising survival-action game with some stealth elements and the good news is a Linux version is planned.
Hidden Asset is a game I've been following since 2011 back when it was called Hostile Takeover, it's a real-time stealth game that's very promising and it's now needing funding.
Puppygames, a developer who has supported Linux for many years are now making their games free for Linux gamers and they've already started with Basingstoke.
IO Interactive are continuing to improve HITMAN 2 and to let people have a little taste, the first mission is now entirely free. Thanks to Steam Play, it works well on Linux.
AT SUNDOWN: Shots in the Dark from developer Mild Beast Games and publisher Versus Evil puts an interesting spin on the top-down shooter genre where light is your enemy.
Klei have been working on improving Mark of the Ninja: Remastered with a recent beta that's now live for everyone. Two Linux-specific issues were found and fixed.
The Halloween Pack pack for HITMAN goes live today giving you a chance to try it for free, which includes full access to the Colorado location from Episode 5.
Welcome to the another review in the PIN (Play It NOW) series. Conscious that all previous PINs have been action games, this time I’m covering Invisible Inc from Canadian studio Klei Entertainment, a superb stealth/strategy hybrid in the mould of XCOM.