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Category: Stealth

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Neon Struct, a political espionage thriller released

By Samsai,
Minor Key Games have released their political thriller Neon Struct: Die Augen Der Welt on Steam. The game sends you into a neon-coloured surveillance state that has its sights on you. Stealth and diversion are your only weapons against those trying to capture and silence you.

Invisible, Inc. Strategy Game Released For Linux, Some Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Invisible, Inc. has snuck out the door and is now available on your favourite operating system. I’ve been looking forward to this for some time, so I took a look.

Turn-Based Action Platformer Ronin Is Slated For Release In May

By flesk,
Ronin looks like a cross between Gunpoint and Mark of the Ninja, but will offer a unique blend of stealth and action platforming, and turn-based enemy encounters.

Dying Light Mod Tools & Steam Workshop Release, Both Windows Only Right Now

By Liam Dawe,
Another bit of annoyance for Dying Light fans. Techland have release an update for Dying Light adding in workshop support for mods, and the mod tools to go along with it. The kicker is that it all needs Windows.

Republique Remastered, A Beautiful Stealth Action Game Could Come To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Thanks to a tip we have found out that the recently released Republique Remastered could see a Linux version.

NEON STRUCT From Eldritch Developer To Release For Linux In May

By Liam Dawe,
NEON STRUCT, A political thriller stealth game has been revealed to be releasing in May, and it has a newer trailer.

Invisible, Inc. A Tactical Stealth Game From Klei Entertainment Linux Support Due Soon

By Liam Dawe,
Invisible, Inc. is the new game from Klei Entertainment (think Don't Starve) that has been in early access for a while without Linux support. Today they released an update with news of our much anticipated Linux support! UPDATED

Gorgeous Stealth Platformer 'Fossil Echo' Is Coming To Linux, Trailer Has Been Released

By flesk,
Fossil Echo is a hand-animated game about a boy on a great journey to reach a giant tower in the middle of the sea. It's influenced by the Oddworld series, Ico and Studio Ghibli films.

Sid Meier Classics Released on Steam

By Samsai,
A couple of old Sid Meier classics were released on Steam, more precisely Sid Meier's Colonization, Pirates! Gold Plus, and Sid Meier's Covert Action.

Tesla Breaks the World! Released For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Tesla Breaks the World! A platformer that mixes puzzles, adventure and Nikola Tesla into a mixed bag of gameplay.

GOL Cast: Hiding and Eating Furniture in Not The Robots

By Samsai,
To balance both my schedule and my workload I decided to pick and play something that isn't too heavy on content and mechanics. Not The Robots fits that category nicely so let's see what's in store for us this time.

Gunpoint Stealth Puzzle Game has entered Linux Beta

By Samsai,
A Linux beta has been made publicly available for Gunpoint on Steam for those Linux users who love to test and break software.

Neon Struct Stealth Game Coming To Linux From The Developers Of Eldritch

By Liam Dawe,
NEON STRUCT: Die Augen der Welt is a political thriller stealth game from the developers of Eldritch and it will be on Linux. We have early screen-shots for you to burn your eyes with.

LEVEL 22, Gary's Misadventures Stealth Game Now On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Oddly only called LEVEL 22 on Steam, LEVEL 22, Gary's Misadventures previously on Desura & Fireflower Games joins the ranks of Linux games on Steam for you Steam fanatics. You play as Gary who is trying to sneak into work as he's a silly hungover man.

Children of Liberty, A Historical Cartoony Stealth-platformer Released On Steam Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
When four spies of the Sons of Liberty are arrested infiltrating The Province House, their children join Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and the Sons of Liberty to finish their mission and break them out as the threat of Revolution looms over the Colonies...

CryEngine SDK on SteamDB Is Now The CryEngine 3 Free SDK

By Liam Dawe,
Before we told you about the CryEngine SDK that came up on SteamDB, well more has happened and according to the EULA it is the free SDK for CryEngine 3.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding

By Liam Dawe,
Here is the latest instalment of Steam's Hardware Survey, as usual we do our monthly thing and compare it and talk about it and make sure you know not to use it as a hard figure.

Natural Selection 2 FPS & RTS Hybrid Major Updated Released Named Dropship

By Liam Dawe,
The guys at Unknown Worlds are at it again, Natural Selection 2 has a new major version named "Dropship" that adds some really sweet features.

The Dark Mod Free Stealth Game 2.01 Released

By Liam Dawe,
The awesome and free stealth-based game The Dark Mod has released a brand new point version with improved character models and loads more.

Paradise Lost: First Contact Action & Adventure Game Available For Pre-Order

By Liam Dawe,
In a remote desert, an unidentified object falls from the skies. A research organization known as G.E.R. has tracked and found the mysterious meteor: a capsule of organic material that brings an unknown life-form to our planet from the depths of space. Here begins the story of this impossible being, as it attempts to escape and survive on this strange, hostile world that we call home.
Showing 120 to 140 of 152 entries found.