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ColdRidge is a tile-based exploration strategy game that puts you in the wild west. As a prospector, you'll pick contracts and venture out to do some exploring.
The Wandering Village is a city-builder where you're building on the back of a big walking creature, it's wonderful and a big new update is out now with Research & Economy.
Sony forcing you to have a PlayStation Network account for all their recent PC releases hasn't been well liked, and they of course have no plans to back down on it.
Team Firestorm sent word that their recently released Victorian London murder mystery game Blood On The Thames is now supported on Linux. Looks really unique with the visual style!
Valve announced something that I'm sure a lot of game developers and players will appreciate: new APIs to allow developers to have version switching directly in their games!
While we still have no idea when Deadlock from Valve will get a properly public launch, since it's still invite-only, they do keep expanding the game in some major ways. Another big update just rolled out to this third-person MOBA.
The Spell Brigade from Bolt Blaster Games looks like a fun mixture of online co-op action and survivor-like mayhem and it appears to have sold rather well.
Bye Sweet Carole is an upcoming chilling narrative-horror game inspired by classic animation movies like Disney along with the works of Chris Darril. Late last month a new trailer arrived and it looks good.
If you're after a tightly integrated Steam Controller, maybe the new Wireless HORIPAD for Steam might be for you. And good news, it's finally releasing in the USA.
No longer should you need external software just to record a fun clip of gameplay on Steam desktop and Steam Deck, with Steam Game Recording now officially live for everyone.
G'Day gamers. Valve announced that the Steam Deck will release in Australia on November 19, so our friends down under can finally officially join the club.
Don't judge me on this one, but I've been playing with beans for a while in the new release of Bean To Me! from Melonleaf Industries / Very Evil Demons.