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Valve put out a small and sweet update for Steam Deck OS (SteamOS) 3.4 Preview, which adds in support for the 8BitDo Ultimate Wireless controller dongle.
The day is finally here. Valve has removed the reservation queue for the Steam Deck, so you can buy it right now. Additionally, the Steam Deck Docking Station is also now available.
SteamOS 3.3.2 and a Steam Deck Client Update are out now, pulling together all the recent Beta / Preview updates and putting them out for everyone. Here's what's new.
Two Beta updates have landed for the Steam Deck with a Client and an OS update available, with some pretty big changes to how external screens are handled.
Valve just released a fresh Beta update for the Steam Deck, as they loved seeing all the custom boot screens so much they've now made it officially supported. ARTICLE UPDATED.
The latest Steam Hardware & Software Survey is out now for September 2022, with it showing that clearly the Steam Deck with SteamOS is the most popular way now to game on Linux.
Two big pieces of Steam Deck news for you today, with two major updates now available. First there's a big Steam Deck Client Stable update and a Steam Deck OS Beta.
Distrobox is a way to use pretty much any other Linux distribution in your terminal, along with full GUI apps and now it supports the Steam Deck with SteamOS too.
Valve has confirmed two tasty bits of info today for those waiting on getting a Steam Deck, and for those curious about how things are currently going.
Valve has announced three things recently including multiple updates that are out now for the Steam Deck, plus a quick tease of what's to come for a Beta of SteamOS 3.4.
All the latest Beta and Preview changes from Valve have gone live with SteamOS 3.3 and all the Steam Deck Client updates are now available for all users.