Category: SteamOS

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SteamOS updated & Steam Client Beta adds support for 2x scaling for those with 4K monitors and more

By Liam Dawe,
Valve seem to be doing well for early 2018 when it comes to Linux, not only are they updating SteamOS more often, Linux is also getting some overdue attention with the Steam Client too.

SteamOS has a fresh beta update with some major package updates

By Liam Dawe,
Valve have updated the SteamOS beta once again, this time they're pulling in some major package updates to give a better experience.

One dedicated gamer made a SteamOS tabletop 'car-cade' for DiRT Rally

By Liam Dawe,
I love seeing what people have been able to do with SteamOS and this might just be the most amusing. One dedicated gamer made their very own SteamOS tabletop car-cade to play DiRT Rally.

SteamOS is still alive with a new Beta, although it's a rather uninteresting one

By Liam Dawe,
SteamOS is still clinging on, somehow. Valve just released a new Beta that is mostly just security updates and Debian 8.9 updates.

SteamOS beta updated with Flatpak support

By Liam Dawe,
A small SteamOS beta update has been released and it adds in Flatpak support. Along with a Linux Kernel bump and security updates.

SteamOS has another new beta with a newer Kernel and updated Mesa

By Liam Dawe,
For those of you using SteamOS, you might want to know about a new beta Valve just put out. It features the usual security updates as well as a few other niceties.

The big SteamOS update that drops AMDGPU-PRO in favour of Mesa has left beta

By Liam Dawe,
The big SteamOS beta update that Valve shipped last month has now officially been released into the stable updates branch.

SteamOS updated, Valve drops AMDGPU-PRO for Mesa

By Liam Dawe,
Valve haven't been sitting on their hands, as they have pushed out a fresh update for SteamOS that's currently in Beta. It's been a while and it's a good one.

SteamOS updated with some major new drivers and an updated Debian base

By Liam Dawe,
SteamOS isn't being left out in the cold like some would believe, as it too today got a big update with new shiny stuff.

Imperium Galactica II: Alliances released for Linux & SteamOS, seems native too

By Liam Dawe,
Imperium Galactica II: Alliances just released for Linux & SteamOS and it looks like it's a native version.

Valve seems to have removed the SteamPlay logo from Steam

By Liam Dawe,
Something that didn't go unnoticed was that Valve has removed the SteamPlay logo from Steam store pages.

Alienware manager on Steam Machines lull: Windows 10 changed things

By Liam Dawe,
PC Gamer had a chat with Alienware manager Frank Azor about the changing situation of Steam Machines. They feel Windows 10 is part of the reason Steam Machines and SteamOS didn't do so well.

User Editorial: Steam Machines & SteamOS after a year in the wild

By calvin,
On this day, last year, Valve released Steam Machines onto the world, after the typical Valve delays. While the state of the Linux desktop regarding gaming has improved, Steam Machines have not taken off as a platform, and SteamOS remains stagnant. What happened with these projects from Valve? Why were they created, why did they fail, and what could have been done to make them succeed?

Linux overall market-share percentage falls on Steam in October

By Liam Dawe,
You know the drill by now, it's up and down all the time and I don't think we should really pay much attention to the Steam Hardware Survey any more, regardless of it going up or down.

Looks like VR support for Linux will be shown off at SteamDevDays this week, about time

By Liam Dawe,
VR support for Linux has been lacking and the communication around it has been pretty damn poor by Valve and HTC, but it seems this is about to change at SteamDevDays.

StarMade, the Minecraft-like spaceship builder now has a brand new launcher, be sure to try the demo!

By Liam Dawe,
StarMade is an impressive game, it has a similar voxel-block style to Minecraft, but that's were the similarities end. The game now has a proper launcher that includes a bundled version of Java. This will make it easily run on Steam Machines.

Rocket League released for SteamOS, it's in beta

By Liam Dawe,
Rocket League is now officially available for SteamOS, due to the time of the release I will be unable to give any actual impressions as I am likely asleep while this gets published.

CD PROJEKT RED replied to me about The Witcher 3 and Linux, flat-out denying to answer any questions

By Liam Dawe,
With all the hoo-ha about The Witcher 3 and the replies GOG have given (first being it was never planned, second being they don't know), I finally have an answer from the actual developer of The Witcher 3.

Rocket League officially confirmed for Linux with the next update, a beta version that is

By Liam Dawe,
Oh my! Rocket League has finally been officially announced as having an actual Linux release. The next update named "Rumble" will have a beta version for Linux.

Vanguard Princess, a popular 2D fighting game is now on Linux & SteamOS

By Liam Dawe,
Fighting games are in short supply on Linux, so Vanguard Princess has come along to help fill the void for us. A few moments ago they announced the Linux version is good to go!
Showing 160 to 180 of 203 entries found.