Age of Wonders III is a brilliant looking turn-based strategy that thanks to Linux users doing their usual posting in Steam communities could come to Linux.
Airships v2 is out, bringing better multiplayer and more ship design options. At its core, the game is about designing airships and fighting with them. Ships are put together out of modules, and the layout of modules matters a great deal.
What would you do if a group of people just decided to ransack your village and leave you with basically nothing? Well you gather an army to get your stuff back with some extra compensation and that's exactly what we are going to do today!
So, Linux finally has Earth 2140 Gold Edition around 17 years after the original release of the game, how does it stack up? Here are my thoughts and a video.
Gary is an office worker who oversleeps after a drunken night out on the town. Since it isn’t the first time Gary’s been late for work, he could be fired if he’s spotted arriving at his desk after everyone else yet again. So he’ll have to prove he’s smart and sneaky enough to make his way up all the 22 floors between him and his office without being seen.
DUELYST is the awesome looking tactical combat games where the developers originally wheren't going to support Linux, until we showed our numbers. Now the Linux goal has been met, I asked when Linux is likely to come.
Creeper World 3 is what happens when cellular automata takes over a strategy simulation. Instead of discreet units that attack your base, a fluid-like substance spreads over the terraformable terrain. Your base, your weapons, your strategy... you must adapt them all.
Planetary Annihilation has some more spit and polish now as they work through their Gamma phase of development, they have recently improved art, the lobby, the AI and more!
Breach & Clear brings deep tactical strategy simulation to Windows, Mac and Linux! Build your Special Operations team, plan and execute advanced missions, and own every angle.
The Last Federation is a space sci-fi strategy game I am seriously looking forward to, it mixes some good unit graphics with beautiful space backdrops.
Kerberos Productions Inc. creators of the 'Sword of the Stars' games will activate the Linux build for Ground Pounders a hex-based, turn-based strategy wargame tomorrow the 21st of March.
Today we (Nabi Studios) are almost ready for the official launch of Toribash on Steam but we are still in need of Linux players who could try out the most recent version (4.8 beta 4). So, we have 15 keys to give-away!
Braveland is a turn-based game inspired by old-school strategies with hexagonal battlefield. You will start as a humble warrior's son whose village was cruelly raided and will end as talented commander of your army.
Dead Mans's Trail is a pretty fun looking zombie survival & travel game in the spirit of Organ Trail, with plenty of differences to keep you interested.
Previously DUELYST wasn't going to include Linux support at all, now the developers have stated it will be in their first stretch goal due to "overwhelming demand", so I dug deeper.