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Category: Strategy

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Planetary Annihilation Major New Update With Video

By Liam Dawe,
Planetary Annihilation the massive scale RTS game has another major update, it now includes their own version of a minimap.

Kingdom Rush Tower Defence Game Looking For Linux Testers

By Liam Dawe,
Not sure how this one passed us by! Kingdom Rush are looking for Linux testers to help iron out bugs for their soon to arrive game.

Sunken, An Underwater Research Laboratory Sim

By Liam Dawe,
So, you like building sims right? Sunken a game about building and managing a deep sea research laboratory looks like it will be pretty fun.

Planetary Annihilation RTS Major Patch Released

By Liam Dawe,
My favourite RTS of the moment, Planetary Annihilation has released another huge content patch that adds some really sweet features like unit formations!

Natural Selection 2 FPS & RTS Hybrid Major Updated Released Named Dropship

By Liam Dawe,
The guys at Unknown Worlds are at it again, Natural Selection 2 has a new major version named "Dropship" that adds some really sweet features.

Jagged Alliance - Back in Action Now On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Jagged Alliance Back in Action is a contemporary remake of the latest title in the much-loved Jagged Alliance series of turn-based mercenary-themed strategy games.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Close To A Linux Release

By Liam Dawe,
The news just keeps flowing, it now looks like XCOM: Enemy Unknown is closing in on a Linux release.

Ghost Control Inc Strategy Game Major Update

By Liam Dawe,
In GhostControl Inc you manage a team of ghost hunters and free London from paranormal terror in turn-based battles. Develop your own strategy and build your business well.

Jagged Alliance: Back In Action To Go Gold For Linux This Month

By Liam Dawe,
The currently in-beta Jagged Alliance: Back in Action is due to be pushed out properly to Linux users on the 14th of February.

The Last Federation Space RTS Game Early Footage

By Liam Dawe,
You probably don't remember, but I told you about The Last Federation in November of 2013. The Last Federation is developed by the same developers that created Bionic Dues, AI War and Skyward Collapse. Their newest game has finally been shown off.

Arena Of Heroes A Free To Play Turn-Based Battle Arena

By Liam Dawe,
Arena of Heroes is a game I just discovered that is actually quite decent for a free to play game. With decent graphics and interesting game-play.

Door Kickers Real Time Tactics Alpha 8 Released

By Liam Dawe,
Door Kickers the really interesting SWAT real time tactics game has released it's eighth alpha version completing its class system.

Space Pirates And Zombies 2 Announced, Linux Is In

By Liam Dawe,
The indie hit Space Pirates And Zombies that came to us in a Humble Bundle is to gain a sequel titled Space Pirates And Zombies 2.

Unvanquished Open Source RTS/FPS Hybrid Alpha 24

By Liam Dawe,
The latest and greatest Unvanquished has been released to the masses with a lot of new goodies including a modernized file system.

Pandora: First Contact Strategy Game Has Its Second Major Update

By Liam Dawe,
It's really great to see that Pandora: First Contact is well supported, the first version was really fun and they have added loads!

Prison Architect Alpha 17 Launches With Armed Guards

By Liam Dawe,
Prison Architect the prison building simulation game has a brand new alpha version featuring a much requested feature, guards can now be armed!

Planetary Annihilation Massive Scale RTS Drops In Price Again

By Liam Dawe,
The increasingly awesome RTS Planetary Annihilation has had another price drop so it's now cheaper than ever to smash planets together and send nukes to your neighbours.

Ghost Control Inc Updated With Better Linux Support

By Liam Dawe,
Manage a team of ghosthunters and free London from paranormal terror in turn-based battles. Personally I think this game is a little gem!

The Castle Doctrine Released On Steam For Linux With Source Code Access

By Liam Dawe,
The Castle Doctrine a game of home defence and burglary that I showed you way back in April of 2013 and it has come a very long way since then, it has now found itself onto Steam.

Space Hulk Strategy Game Linux Beta Test Is Open

By Liam Dawe,
Space Hulk now officially has a fully open beta test of the game on Linux available for all gamers who have purchased a copy on Steam.
Showing 2780 to 2800 of 2991 entries found.