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My favourite RTS of the moment, Planetary Annihilation has released another huge content patch that adds some really sweet features like unit formations!
Jagged Alliance Back in Action is a contemporary remake of the latest title in the much-loved Jagged Alliance series of turn-based mercenary-themed strategy games.
In GhostControl Inc you manage a team of ghost hunters and free London from paranormal terror in turn-based battles. Develop your own strategy and build your business well.
You probably don't remember, but I told you about The Last Federation in November of 2013. The Last Federation is developed by the same developers that created Bionic Dues, AI War and Skyward Collapse. Their newest game has finally been shown off.
The increasingly awesome RTS Planetary Annihilation has had another price drop so it's now cheaper than ever to smash planets together and send nukes to your neighbours.
The Castle Doctrine a game of home defence and burglary that I showed you way back in April of 2013 and it has come a very long way since then, it has now found itself onto Steam.