Category: Strategy

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Bionic Dues, Cook, Serve, Delicious! & Escape Goat On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
So catching up on all the news while I didn't actually have stable internet, it seems Steam has a bunch of new Linux games for you to sink your teeth into!

Total War: Rome II Will Be Ported To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Creative Assembly have said to PCGamesN that a port of Total War: Rome II to Linux to support SteamOS gives them no worries.

Nuclear Dawn Confirms The Next Version Features Linux Support

By Liam Dawe,
You may have seen on our twitter a while ago we retweeted a post from Interwave about Nuclear Dawn on Linux!

Void Of Darkness 2D Space Combat, Trading & Exploration Game Alpha Release Live

By Liam Dawe,
The developer of Void Of Darkness let us know that the game is now available on Desura for Linux and it's currently in Alpha with a full release expected later this year. The game itself is a 2D space exploration game with combat, trading and a ship-load more.

GOL Cast: Creating a Powerful Empire in 0 A.D.

By Samsai,
You all probably know this game already by now and if you don't then you most certainly should! Still, I think it's GOL Cast worthy because 0 A.D. truly shows how good an open source game can be and I wanted to remind you about their IndieGoGo fundraiser.

Unvanquished FPS/RTS Alpha 20 Is Out

By Liam Dawe,
Unvanquished is a fast-paced, futuristic FPS with RTS elements, pitting technologically advanced humans against hordes of highly adaptable aliens. The player can choose from either team, providing a fresh gameplay experience on both sides of the conflict.

Bionic Dues A Tactical Turn-Based Roguelite Releases Next Week

By Liam Dawe,
Bionic Dues has players guiding multiple classes of Exos through a variety of missions filled with enemy robots that are as buggy as they are angry.

Prison Architect Updated To Alpha 14 With Guard Dogs

By Liam Dawe,
Alpha 14 is launched! Guard dogs, massive performance optimisations, and the ability to sell your prison!

Reus God Game Is Still On Its Way To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
The developers of Reus took to their blog to chat a little about Linux, thankfully it should be out soon!

Game Dev Tycoon Now On Steam For Linux & Updated

By Liam Dawe,
Finally the developers of Game Dev Tycoon have sorted out their issues with the FSF and gotten the Linux build onto Steam, with this comes an up to date Linux version.

Arma Tactics Turn Based Strategy Is Now Available On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Arma Tactics is a turn-based close-combat strategy game, where you take control of a four-member Special Forces team. There are no given strategies, rails to move on, or paths to follow; it‘s up to you to decide how you will play through both the story-driven missions and generated missions with randomized objectives.

Attack Of The Gelatinous Blob Adds Linux Support

By Brent Owens,
Linux fans have demanded it, so indie studio Paper Machete Games has brought their mad science themed real time strategy game to the Linux platform.

Planetary Annihilation Enters Beta With Lower Price & More Features

By Liam Dawe,
This is very exciting especially for any RTS fan as Planetary Annihilation has entered beta which unlocks more features and lowers the price.

Achron Time Travelling RTS Game Updated

By Liam Dawe,
A new major bugfix update to Achron has been released to fix a lot of bugs and a few minor new features. Glad to see this games continues to be supported.

Turn-based Wargame Steam Squad On Kickstarter

By ,
Steam Squad is a turn-based war-game for PC, Mac and Linux. It takes place in an alternate universe during World War I.

Natural Selection 2 FPS/RTS Hybrid Gets A Big Update

By Liam Dawe,
Natural Selection 2 has gotten two updates recently 256 and 257 to give you lots of big fixes with a few new features thrown in for good measure too.

OpenRA Release 20130915

By Matt,
OpenRA the Open Source Time Strategy game engine that recreates the early Command & Conquer titles released another huge jump, with over 1,100 changes and improvements by 17 authors.

Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate Tower Defence Hits Linux 30th September

By Liam Dawe,
A highly regarded tower defence game Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate will come to Linux on the 30th of September the developers tweeted to let us know.

Pixel Piracy, A 2D Sandbox Pirate Game Updates

By Liam Dawe,
Remember Pixel Piracy? The fun looking Side-scrolling 2d, Real Time Strategy, Sandbox, Simulation Game we showed you? It's been getting some fun updates!

Arma Tactics Turn Based Strategy To Come To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
It seems Linux is to get a game in the Arma series, not one of their realistic FPS games, but rather a new turn based game called Arma Tactics.
Showing 2900 to 2920 of 2991 entries found.