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Category: Strategy

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Farlanders: Prologue offers a fun taste of the upcoming Martian city-builder

By Liam Dawe,
Build the city you've always wanted to on Mars in Farlanders, with a free Prologue out now to go along with the new Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. It's already very impressive.

Check out the first Total War: WARHAMMER III gameplay reveal, coming to Linux late in 2021

By Liam Dawe,
Today we've seen the first official gameplay of the upcoming Total War: WARHAMMER III from Creative Assembly, SEGA and porting studio Feral Interactive.

Political grand-strategy game Realpolitiks II is out now with Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Realpolitiks II from Jujubee S.A. and publisher 1C Entertainment has left Early Access, and they've also released a Linux build along with it.

Siege Up! is an upcoming full-featured RTS in low-poly style

By Liam Dawe,
Ready for your next real-time strategy (RTS)? Siege Up! from developer Denis Zdorovtsov looks like it could be good fun.

0 A.D. Alpha 25 enters feature-freeze soon, get a sneak-peak of what's coming

By Liam Dawe,
0 A.D. Alpha 25, the very impressive free and open source RTS is closing in on the next release and it's entering a Feature Freeze soon to focus on stability.

Sell stocks and get rich, The Invisible Hand has a Linux build on Steam ready for testing

By Liam Dawe,
The Invisible Hand is a first-person stockbroker experience where you try and get rich quick, while you work for the trading firm FERIOS. Your only job is to make money and as much as possible.

Check out Eudora, a lo-fi real-time strategy game inspired by classics like Dune 2 and C&C

By Liam Dawe,
I'm such a sucker when it comes to traditional styled RTS games so I couldn't pass up on checking out Eudora.

Grand strategy game Secret Government has left Early Access with Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Secret Government, a grand strategy game about being the leader of a secret organization that changes the course of history is officially out now.

Imperator: Rome from Paradox is put on hold to focus on other projects

By Liam Dawe,
Paradox Interactive have announced that they've put Imperator: Rome effectively on hold for all of 2021.

The excellent space RPG 'Star Traders: Frontiers' is getting mod support

By Liam Dawe,
Trese Brothers have announced that their fantastic space exploration RPG Star Traders: Frontiers is getting modding support, three years after the original release.

Total War: ROME REMASTERED from Feral Interactive is out now

By Liam Dawe,
Total War: ROME REMASTERED from game developer / porter Feral Interactive and Creative Assembly with SEGA as publisher is now officially out with Linux support.

Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan expansion is out now, plus the free Majapahit update

By Liam Dawe,
Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan brings with it a number of new diplomatic and domestic options, with more opportunities for expanding and improving your nation’s position as it competes for power from the Renaissance to the Age of Revolution.

Civilization VI has a final free update 'of the season' hinting at more

By Liam Dawe,
The final free update to Civilization VI is now live although the team appears to be hinting that more may be on the way now the New Frontier Pass is finished.

Spaceship building 2D strategy Istrolid reaches the big 1.0

By Liam Dawe,
It's Free Game Tuesday! Today we have Istrolid, a free fleet-design strategy game from developer treeform that recently hit the big 1.0 release.

Tactical Troops: Anthracite Shift offers up top-down combat tactics out now

By Liam Dawe,
QED Games just released their first full title with Tactical Troops: Anthracite Shift, a top-down turn-based tactical combat game with "the feeling of 80's sci-fi movies".

Check out some of the Quality of Life improvements coming to Total War: ROME REMASTERED

By Liam Dawe,
Total War: ROME REMASTERED is the upcoming release from Feral Interactive and Creative Assembly that replaces the original and brings it to Linux too and there's a lot improved with it.

Stellaris: Nemesis expansion and the free 3.0 'Dick' update are out now

By Liam Dawe,
Probably the biggest update and expansion launch for Stellaris yet, Stellaris: Nemesis and the 3.0 'Dick' update are out now.

AI War 2 gets a massive 'Paradigm Shift' update out now, new expansion out in May

By Liam Dawe,
Arcen Games have released another post-release massive free update for all players, along with a new expansion announcement for their grand-strategy RTS.

Commandos 2 - HD Remaster has been released for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Raylight Games / Yippee! Entertainment and Kalypso Media have today announced the release of Commandos 2 - HD Remaster for Linux after waiting over a year since the original release.

OpenHV, a free and open source RTS based on the unreleased Hard Vacuum has a stable build

By Liam Dawe,
If you're looking out for a new real-time strategy (RTS) to play you're in luck. Recently, OpenHV has a first stable release powered by the OpenRA game engine.
Showing 500 to 520 of 2991 entries found.