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Did you enjoy Into the Breach from Subset Games as much as me? Kaiju Wars looks like it will be somewhat similar as another fantastic strategy game with small contained levels.
Total War: WARHAMMER III has just been formally announced by SEGA / Creative Assembly and the good news is that porter Feral Interactive have right away confirmed it's being supported on Linux (and macOS).
Paradox Interactive and Paradox Development Studio have announced the next paid expansion and major free upgrade for Imperator: Rome and they're both launching February 16.
After a new online experience to play with friends and one that's free to play? Untrusted is a new social deduction hacking game with two sides facing off.
As Far As The Eye is a strategy game that has you build a city, while also making you constantly move on before the world becomes submerged. It's tough and it's now available on Linux.
Joining the list of DLC available for Civilization VI as part of the New Frontier Pass is the Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack that's now available with a big game update.
Inspired by the likes of Dwarf Fortress, Civilization, SimCity and more we have the free and open source Arcane Fortune which continues to expanding in features.
Firaxis has confirmed the next DLC that forms part of the New Frontier Pass for Civilization VI will be releasing on January 28. Here's some highlights of what's to come.
NERTS! Online is the free to play card game from the clever people at Zachtronics (Eliza, Opus Magnum, Infinifactory) that was created to help them play together that they released free to the public.
Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven have announced the next expansion and free update for Prison Architect with the Prison Architect: Going Green DLC launching on January 28.
Free, open source and actually really good - Widelands was originally inspired by The Settlers II and they've confirmed their plans for a big release this year.
Love your turn-based tactics, party building, amusing conversations and plenty of adventuring? Guildmaster: Gratuitous Subtitle from Jim Makes Games released back in December and it's genuinely good.
Zachtronics are well known for their excellent puzzle games which often sneak in some form of solitaire, this time around though they've put out a full solitaire style game you play online with friends in NERTS! Online.
Into the Breach was an absolutely fantastic turn-based strategy game about facing overwhelming odds, and now it appears that developer Foolish Mortals (Radio General) is doing their own take with Kaiju Wars.
After a Kickstarter success back in May 2020, then an Early Access release on Steam in September 2020 - the fantasy grand-strategy city-builder Songs of Syx has continued to be a big indie success. Here's a look over it.