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For those who prefer a more relaxing and sweet survival experience, the single-player MewnBase continues to expand what you can build with the latest update.
As an update to the previous article where 11 bit studios told me they didn't have the resources for Linux, turns out they will be putting the latest This War of Mine DLC on Linux after-all.
It's been a good few months since I last looked at the Early Access strategic zombie survival rogue-lite called Deadly Days. During this time, it's changed a lot.
The Long Dark is a brutal, cold and unforgiving survival adventure that has an episodic story survival mode as well as a full sandbox survival mode. Sadly, the third episode has been delayed but there is some good news.
This War of Mine, the rather bleak survival game where you take care of a group in besieged city is getting a second story DLC named The Last Broadcast. UPDATED.
Surviving the zombie apocalypse just got a lot more interesting! Project Zomboid, the Early Access survival game just added a simulated weather and climate system along with some more treats.
Death Road to Canada, the amusing road trip Zombie game has just had a pretty big 'HUMERUS' update. It introduces a new 4-player local co-op mode, additional game modes along with plenty of tweaks.
I'm a little sad to see this, the unique multiplayer survival game One Hour One Life where you're born into the world as a baby to a random parent is only going to support Windows on Steam despite having a Linux build.