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Do you remember Voxatron? You don't? Well Voxatron is currently in alpha and it was part of a Humble Bundle named "The Humble Voxatron Debut!". Much has changed since then.
Game Develop is an interesting bit of kit, as it's like GameMaker, Clickteam's Fusion and Scirra's Construct 2 in the way of letting you create games without programming. They need funding to make their Ubuntu support better.
With all the talk of game engines giving Linux support recently, here is another. Esenthel game engine classes itself as a "Next-Gen" game engine with advanced features.
So, with Unity upgrades costing a small fortune and Epic Games releasing Unreal Engine 4 for a monthly fee, Crytek has one-upped them both by "doing an Epic" and announced CRYENGINE for $9.90/9.90EUR a month under-cutting Unreal Engine.
So, this is massive news and yet another reason why games not having a Linux version should become a thing of the past. Epic Games has announced Unreal Engine 4 with Linux support and not just in exporting, the toolkit will be native too.
Mozilla have been busy haven't they, they are now working with Unity3D on an WebGL exporter while they have also been working with Epic Games to port Unreal Engine 4 to the web!
So, Unity 5 is now a thing, I hear the sound of many developers who recently purchased version 4 crying out in horror at having to pay to upgrade so soon. Looks like a lot of new goodies for developers!
Valve's Rich Geldreich has been busy, he has now fixed a number of issues that where driver specific to AMD, allowing the debugger to work for AMD now too.