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Category: Ubuntu

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The 'GameMode' performance tool from Feral Interactive makes it into Ubuntu 20.04

By Liam Dawe,
As possibly the last feature to be accepted and implemented before the big release, Feral Interactive's GameMode performance tool has been added officially into Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Ubuntu 20.04 has hit Beta (as have all the extra flavours) - help make it a release to remember

By Liam Dawe,
Ah Ubuntu, it's like a warm cuddly blanket or a favourite jumper. There's others in your wardrobe but nothing is quite like the comfy and safe feel of it. A major new version is approaching with Ubuntu 20.04 which is a "Long Term Support" release.

Canonical need a little testing hand for a newer Steam package on Ubuntu 20.04

By Liam Dawe,
With Ubuntu 20.04 "Focal Fossa" being released in the next few months, the team over at Canonical are looking for a little help testing their updated Steam package.

Stadia also appears to work fine on plain Ubuntu 19.10

By Liam Dawe,
After recently giving some first impressions of Stadia, mostly played on a desktop with Manjaro Linux I've done some additional testing with plain Ubuntu and the experience is just as good.

Setting up a Bluetooth Controller for Linux Gaming

By LordDaveTheKind,
Recently I solved an issue for setting up my Wireless (via Bluetooth) controller on Steam for Linux, and decided to elaborate a little better about my experience, and share my results and observations with you all.

When should i386 support for Ubuntu end? Help Canonical decide

By bryanquigley,
Are you running i386 (32-bit) Ubuntu? We need your help to decide how much longer to build i386 images of Ubuntu Desktop, Server, and all the flavors.
Showing 60 to 66 of 66 entries found.