StarChart-Interactive are currently developing Dominus Galaxia, a 4x strategy game inspired by the classic Master of Orion.
SanAndreasUnity, an open source remake of the game engine for GTA: San Andreas that aims to be cross-platform has a new release out, with better Linux support included.
Pine certainly looks good, a proper open-world action adventure with a story depicting humans who never reached the top of the food chain. It just released with Linux support today.
Insignificant is an action-RPG that tells the story of the little people and when I say that I really do mean tiny little people, you're only about three inches tall.
Triple Eh? Ltd yesterday released Cecconoid, an 8-bit inspired twin-stick shooter with a flip-screen mechanic where you go through a series of rooms and blow everything up.
Joining Rust, Natural Selection 2 and Forager this year is Throne of Lies from Imperium42 Game Studio who have decided to end Linux support for their online multiplayer game.
Releasing sometime around Halloween this year, the quite creepy adventure game Demons Never Lie now has a Linux demo available to try out on Steam.
From developer Specialbit Studio, the quirky comedy point and click adventure Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a Quest is officially out now with Linux support.
You've played a lot of action platformers before but not many come close to the breathtaking design work going into MegaSphere and it just got a lot bigger in the Anomaly update out now.
After spending tons of time with Factorio recently, I needed something that used a little less brainpower to relax with and Astro Golf is a game that fits perfectly.
Roll around as a ball with a loose tongue you use as a swing in Crumble, now with a much updated demo available to try.
One racing game I am genuinely excited about is Bloody Rally Show, a top-down racer that looks genuinely good and it has a fresh trailer up to show off recent development progress.
Receiver is a name I've not heard in a long time, the indie FPS released back in 2013 by Wolfire Games and it's just seen a big update. UPDATED: See the bottom.
I absolutely love hand-made clay stop-motion animation, ever since watching Trap Door when I was much younger it left a lasting impression so I'm always keen to see what games can do with it. Ultra Strangeness is one such title that caught me here.
Released into Early Access recently, Age of Grit gives Steampunk a little cowboy-themed makeover with turn-based airship combat and it's supporting Linux too.
While Kerbal Space Program 2 has been announced (sadly not for Linux), developer Squad is not finished with the original and several big improvements are on the way.
Have any fond memories of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas? You might want to take a look at this new unofficial remake being made in Unity as it supports Linux.
Bloody Rally Show, the very promising top-down racer from Game Hero Interactive now actually has a release date set.
The team over at Unity continue advancing the game engine with some impressive work going on and the first Unity 2019.3 beta is now available.
Freakout: Calamity TV Show is one we missed here at GamingOnLinux, an intense top-down shooter that takes a big inspiration from the classic Smash TV.
Showing 280 to 300 of 809 entries found.