Category: Unity

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Rise of Industry has another huge update, full release date announced

By Liam Dawe,
I was very impressed with Rise of Industry last time I took a look at this strategic tycoon game from Dapper Penguin Studios. They have another big update out along with an announcement about leaving Early Access.

Agitate, a small indie game that's like a reverse city-builder with you playing as nature has Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
A bit of an odd one to put a title to, Agitate from solo developer Tay has you build plants and try to survive the coming of the Hoomans.

Battle Motion is another fantasy battle sim that's now available on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Battle Motion is a game I briefly highlighted here on GOL before, with a release now available on Steam for this fantasy battle sim.

Action RPG 'Moonlighter' had a massive free update recently making it a much more interesting game

By Liam Dawe,
Moonlighter was already quite interesting, with the mix of action-RPG dungeon crawling along with working in a shop to sell your goods, now with the free Friends & Foes update it's even more fun.

Ravenfield, the single-player FPS with large-scale battles has a new release out

By Liam Dawe,
More FPS news for you this weekend, with the single-player Ravenfield having another great update out with lots of new toys.

The unique FPS 'Shotgun Farmers' is leaving Early Access next month

By Liam Dawe,
Shotgun Farmers, by far one of the most unique FPS games I've played in a long time is due to leave Early Access soon.

Tannenberg, the WWI shooter has officially left Early Access and it's good fun

By Liam Dawe,
With massive online battles and some great design work, the WWI FPS Tannenberg has now left Early Access.

Aurora: The Lost Medallion, a sci-fi 2D point & click adventure has a demo out with Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Aurora: The Lost Medallion from Greek developer Noema Games is a very promising sci-fi adventure that will be coming to Linux.

First-person horror mystery 'Heliophobia' has Linux support and it's very weird

By Liam Dawe,
One I missed that released late last year, Heliophobia is a first-person horror mystery set in an incredibly surreal world.

Survival game Rust has a big Unity upgrade which should help the Linux version

By Liam Dawe,
The Air Power update for the survival game Rust is now live, along with some big new features it also has improved Linux support.

Unity 2018.3.4 is out with some important fixes for Linux games

By Liam Dawe,
The Unity team have pushed out another point release with Unity 2018.3.4 and it does include some well needed Linux fixes.

DUSK, the popular retro-inspired FPS now has a Linux testing build up, out for everyone next week

By Liam Dawe,
DUSK, a retro-inspired FPS from David Szymanski and New Blood Interactive looks awesome and you can test it out on Linux right now.

The first Unity 2019.1 beta is out with Vulkan improvements, Linux editor improvements and more

By Liam Dawe,
The people over at Unity have put out the first beta for the first major release of the year and there's tons of new and improved bits for game devs and Linux gamers.

Sunless Skies is officially out and it's truly an awesome experience

By Liam Dawe,
It's no secret that I love everything about outer space, I call myself a space nerd quite often and Sunless Skies feels like it was made for me.

In Thrusty Ship your main enemy is yourself and your throttle finger

By Liam Dawe,
Thrusty Ship takes the basic gameplay of classics like Lunar Lander (and many others) with you fighting against gravity and turns it into a challenging and fun battle against your fuel gauge.

Rise of Industry, the strategic tycoon game has come along tremendously and a new update is out

By Liam Dawe,
It's been a long time since I took a look at the Early Access strategic tycoon game Rise of Industry, what a better time to do so with a major update? Out now is Alpha 9, which adds in quite a lot.

Sounds like the randomised dungeon feature for Albion Online is going to be great

By Liam Dawe,
Albion Online, the MMO from Sandbox Interactive is set to get a fair bit more interesting with the Oberon update due out this Spring.

The peaceful building RPG 'Littlewood' now has a Linux demo, lots of stretch goals hit

By Liam Dawe,
Littlewood, a peaceful town-building RPG from developer Sean Young now has a Linux demo available. I've spent a few hours playing and it's really quite sweet.

Little Mouse's Encyclopedia, an interactive encyclopedia to enjoy with your kids will support Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Little Mouse's Encyclopedia is a new discovery from developer Circus Atos, this cute interactive encyclopedia looks like a fun experience for this with kids.

Golf With Your Friends is a surprisingly amusing mini golf game

By Liam Dawe,
I've been meaning to try out Golf With Your Friends for some time, after it has been recommended by various followers. I finally got around to it and it's pretty good.
Showing 380 to 400 of 809 entries found.