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Recently, I highlighted an issue in multiple Unity games where the graphics were distorted on Linux with using an NVIDIA GPU and I offered some workarounds. I now have an update on the issue to share from both Unity and NVIDIA.
Most RPGs focus on defeating some sort of evildoer, however Littlewood takes place after a Dark Wizard has already been defeated and it's your job to put everything back together.
Recently, I wrote a post about Unity games when playing on NVIDIA having some major graphical glitches with a workaround. Here's another one, that might work better.
Vector 36 isn't like a lot of other racing games. Instead of a car, you're racing inside a vehicle which hovers above the surface and it's quite interesting.
Good Company, a business management tycoon sim is a recent discovery and it will be coming to Linux. It looks stylish too, so hopefully it will be good.
I know what you're going to say, something about yet another survival game! However, Volcanoids really does look like something you want to pay attention to.
It seems a lot of Unity games upgrading to later versions of Unity are suffering from graphical distortions on Linux with an NVIDIA GPU. There is a workaround available.