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That's right, The 25th Ward: The Silver Case the follow up title to The Silver Case which gained Linux support in an update to the remastered version last year. This time around, we saw day-1 support.
Slime Rancher, the game about running around sucking up cute (and some not so cute) slimes and running a farm is easily one of the sweetest games available on Linux and the Mochi's Megabucks update is rather good.
The two WWI FPS games from M2H and Blackmill Games, Tannenberg & Verdun, both got an update recently which upgraded Unity for a performance boost and more.
Where The Water Tastes Like Wine is a rather strange narrative-driven adventure game about travelling and it's now out. Sadly, it's not good right now.
A while ago the Unity game engine sadly introduced a bug which has caused many games to either display a black screen or give no input, Slime Rancher is another I've discovered with it. Here's a temporary fix.
Think you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur and build up a big network of factories, transport lines and build an industrial and financial empire? Take a look at Rise of Industry.
It's been a while since Can't Drive This gained Linux support, so I finally set aside some time to take a proper look. An amusing idea, where one player races and the other builds the track as you go.