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Category: Unity

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Universe Sandbox 2, A Physics Based Space Simulator Now In Alpha & On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Universe Sandbox 2 is a physics based space simulator. We never got the original on Linux, but as teased the developers are delivering with Universe Sandbox 2.

Among The Sleep Is Now Playable On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Good news everyone! Among The Sleep is now playable on Linux after yesterday's patch which fixed the major graphical glitches for OpenGL.

Where Kerbals Fear To Tread, Kerbal Space Program 0.24 Out Now

By neffo,
Budget caps to blow, reputations to ruin and missions to fail have now come to career mode in the fantastic sandbox space simulator from Squad.

Unity Looking To Expand Linux Game Pad Support In Unity 5

By Cheeseness,
Unity developers are requesting SDL stlye mappings from the community to assist in increasing game pad support on Linux in Unity 5.

Among The Sleep Developers Are Now Working On A Linux Fix

By Liam Dawe,
Good news everyone! The Among The Sleep developers are now able to reproduce the game breaking bug that affects Linux gamers preventing them from playing, and they are working on a fix!

RimWorld Colony Sim Alpha 4 Is Available, Our Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
I absolutely adore the fact that Linux now has a fair few building simulation games and RimWorld even though it is early days it shows massive promise and is already quite fun.

The Interstellar Marines Developers Are Working On Their Linux Version Right Now

By Liam Dawe,
The Interstellar Marines developers have been in touch to point out that their Linux version is currently in testing, but it may be months until we see a release.

Highlighting A Blog Post For Developers Using Unity To Publish On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
One of the developers of Desktop Dungeons has written a blog post from a Windows user point of view about getting Unity games to play nice on Linux.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL

By Liam Dawe,
Another day another developer speaking about OpenGL. This time around it's Aras Pranckevičius a developer of Unity.

Verdun, The WWI First Person Shooter Has A UI Overhaul & A New Map

By Liam Dawe,
The WWI first person shooter Verdun has been through a fair few changes over its life-cycle, none more appreciated than the new much better UI.

Flagship, An RTS Game Played In First Person & It Looks Awesome

By Liam Dawe,
Flagship is a real-time strategy game set on a galactic scale, played from a first person perspective. Command your fleet from the bridge of your ship, explore the stars and expand your territory.

Generic Space Shooter Will Warp Onto Linux Soon

By Liam Dawe,
In Generic Space Shooter you have one simple mission, survive for as long as you can and battle against the odds with plenty of pewpewpew.

Desktop Dungeons, A Quick-play Roguelike Puzzle Game Released For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
We asked the developers about Desktop Dungeons getting a Linux port quite a while ago, and today they deliver in style. Desktop Dungeons is a a quick-play roguelike puzzle game, that sounds pretty confusing, but it looks awesome.

Twin Robots Is An Absolutely Charming Platformer For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Twin Robots comes from Pablo the mastermind behind the studio Thinice. It's a charming little solo or co-op platformer about two battery powered robots.

Contested Space, The Awesome Looking Space Sandbox MMO Needs A Hand On Kickstarter

By Liam Dawe,
I wrote about Contested Space recently about how fun it looked. Sadly it's not got long left on Kickstarter and needs a bit of love. We do have a new video to show you too, complete with lasers pew pew.

Paranautical Activity Cancels Co-Op And Draws More Ire For Early Access

By Hamish,
I assume I am not alone in seeing the hate that Early Access has been getting from some sources recently. Well, the latest game to stoke the fire has been set off by CodeAvarice, developers of Paranautical Activity, a game that we have featured previously that combines both FPS and Rougelike gameplay features.

Ender Of Fire Looks Like A Great Side-scrolling Action Game

By Liam Dawe,
Ender Of Fire is a new side-scrolling 3D action game that actually looks awesome. Mixing good graphics with fun looking combat I'm sold.

Hawks Guardians Of The Skies, A Simple 2D Air Combat Game

By Liam Dawe,
I took some time to test out Hawks Guardians Of The Skies a simple 2D air combat game made in Unity3D.

Black Ice, A Cyberpunk FPS & RPG Has A New Demo, Our Video & Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Black Ice is a fantastic looking FPS game with some RPG elements thrown in, it's awesome because it's like playing a shooter in Tron land.

It's Dark, A New Creepy Horror/Adventure Game On Desura

By Liam Dawe,
It's Dark is a new creepy-looking adventure game on Desura built with Unity. It's creepy because you are alone, in the woods and there might be something there with you.
Showing 700 to 720 of 809 entries found.