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Category: Unity

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Iesabel - A new Unity3D powered Hack 'n' Slash released on Desura

By Hamish,
Madman Theory Games and Forever Entertainment S.A. have released their Unity3D powered Hack 'n' Slash game on Desura .

Show Your Support For Unity3D Editor On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Not something I usually do but this is a good cause, Unity is still missing having it's actual editor on Linux!

SUPERHOT FPS Where Time Only Moves When You Do

By Liam Dawe,
SUPERHOT is an FPS game where time moves only when you move. The innovative time control mechanics create gameplay never seen before. TAKE YOUR TIME! Get rid of aggressive enemies with grace, style and the intense satisfaction.

Fields Of War Online Mech Combat Game New Release

By Liam Dawe,
Fields of War is a massive multiplayer third-person-shooter focused on large scale battles, territory control, skill and most importantly team play.

KarBOOM A Car-Crashing Game With A Multiplayer Focus

By Liam Dawe,
The idea is simple: stay in the arena. Variety is added with mutators and game modes to change the rules of play, bots and shoulder-to-shoulder multiplayer.

Rorschax - A Game To Puzzle Your Mind - Released On Linux

By CarbideSimone,
Rorschax is a simple yet challenging puzzle game where you must create the mirror image of a pattern by manipulating a grid of squares.

Vapour A Free Prototype Indie Horror Game

By Liam Dawe,
Vapour is a free prototype indie horror game developed by Tiaan Gerber and Alexander Ehlers (Skobbejak Games) for PC, Mac and Linux Platforms.

Project Night A Third Person Survival Horror Game

By Liam Dawe,
Do you remember the survival horror genre in 90s? The atmosphere? The fear? This game judging by the video has some awesome potential.

Race The Sun An Arcade Racer Battling The Sun, First Look

By Liam Dawe,
Race The Sun is a high speed and fast paced racer where you are battling against the sun, I managed to get my hands on a review code to test it out for you!

Goscurry a fast paced game with great music on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Goscurry is a small, hard game, developed by Daniele Giardini with beats by Isak J Martinsson, where you must relax and follow the rhythm (except for speedfreak modes, where things go crazy). Try to go as far as you can by piloting a ship on an infinite road, suspended over a stylized and eerie landscape, while taking sharp corners, evading hazards, and delivering packages around.

Inverto first person shooter-puzzler out for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Inverto (formerly "Gravitron") is a first person shooter-puzzler with physical puzzles and gravity manipulations. The game is the ideological successor of such games as "Prey" and "Portal" with platformer elements.

Hell-IX helicopter combat New Isometric Camera

By xpectral,
Hell-IX developers have been working on an alternative isometric cam, now players will be able to switch between 3rd person cam or a classic isometric cam.

Luminesca underwater exploration game chapter 2 is out

By Liam Dawe,
Luminesca is a chilled-out underwater exploration game which follows the story of a little creature called Lum. Using the light from your esca you can explore the dark watery depths, unco...

DeCalc an interesting maths puzzle game

By Liam Dawe,
DeCalc is a puzzle game that makes math fun! It's like reversed calculator - you get a result and your job is to arrange the buttons so when pressed in given order, you get that result. Ther...

Do you remember classic games like Desert Strike, Tiger Heli, Air Rescue etc?

By xpectral,
Hell-IX (read it as roman numeral Hell "Nine") is a Combat & Rescue game based on classic games like Desert Strike, Tiger Heli, Air Rescue and others. The concept is very simple, take off, search for marines, rescue them ...

Wings Of Saint Nazaire A Retro Space Game Done Right

By Liam Dawe,
Holy Cow! Wings Of Saint Nazaire is a new Retro styled space shooter with seriously awesome graphics, some really awesome music and I just had to capture a video (even with sound woo!). ...

Reclone top down shooter with wacky guns & customizable maps

By Liam Dawe,
Reclone is a fast-paced topdown shooter with a number of wacky guns & customizable maps. Can you shoot your friends into a bloody pulp or will they blow you up first? The g...

Warhammer's Space Hulk could be heading to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Space Hulk - Set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, an intriguing story of legendary battles and heroic actions unfolds. Play as a small squad of fearless Space Marine Terminators who a...

Megabyte Punch to release for Linux on the 6th of august

By Liam Dawe,
A beat 'em up/platforming/fighting game hybrid with an electro style. You can smack guys, attach their parts and get their abilities! The developers of Megabyte Punch ...

Paragon Evolved a sci-fi first person shooter

By Liam Dawe,
Paragon Evolved is a science fiction first-person shooter developed by two people using the Unity game engine. It has a very early demo available to try and it's looking good!
Showing 760 to 780 of 809 entries found.