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Category: Upcoming

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No Time To Explain Coming To Linux By The End Of This Year

By HadBabits,
Get ready for some crazy action platforming, because it looks like No Time To Explain will be coming to Linux. I've contacted the developer, Tiny Build Games, who have confirmed that we should expect to see it by the end of this year.

Limit Theory Space Sim Developer Switches To Linux, New Video & It Looks Fantastic

By Liam Dawe,
Limit Theory is a beautiful looking space simulation in a procedurally-generated universe. In the latest update video the developer actually states he is now doing everything including recording the latest video on Linux.

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free

By Liam Dawe,
We speculated on it recently and it's pleasing to see that we were right. The new Unreal Tournament is real and it's coming to Linux.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In

By Liam Dawe,
I knew Tripwire weren't stupid! Killing Floor 2 was a given when you look at how popular it is, it needs a refresh and I am glad to say it will be on Linux.

Mojang's Battling Card Game 'Scrolls' Linux Version Most Likely After The Final For Other Platforms

By Liam Dawe,
As much as I admire Mojang I still can't help but feel let down on Scrolls. They initially sent out tweets to confirm it would get a Linux version, but it's still not here. We find out more.

Starry Expanse, A Fan Remake Of 'Riven: The Sequel to Myst' Announces A Linux Version

By Liam Dawe,
Starry Expanse is quite an interesting project indeed as Riven when it was released was a fantastic adventure game.

Multiplayer Don't Starve Is Now A Thing, Don't Starve Together

By Liam Dawe,
Something I have wanted since Don't Starve is a multiplayer Don't Starve and it's now becoming a reality, hooray!

Episode 1 of The Fall To Be Released On June 1st

By Cheeseness,
Episode 1 of Over The Moon Games' cinematic adventure platformer has been given a release date in a recent backer update. Inside, Cheese shares some thoughts on being a backer and watching the game's evolution.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now

By Liam Dawe,
XCOM: Enemy Unknown looks like it has entered testing for Linux thanks to some updates we spotted earlier.

Another Star, A Very Retro RPG Will Come To Linux With Version 2

By Liam Dawe,
I know what you're thinking when you see the word "retro", but don't worry Another Star actually looks the part. It does a similar thing to You Have To Win The Game and gives you a slightly bendy screen to make it all more authentic and I love it.

Ender Of Fire Looks Like A Great Side-scrolling Action Game

By Liam Dawe,
Ender Of Fire is a new side-scrolling 3D action game that actually looks awesome. Mixing good graphics with fun looking combat I'm sold.

The Masterplan Heist Game Has A New Look

By Liam Dawe,
Drawing inspiration from both legendary tactical turn-based games and classic heist movies alike, the goal of The Masterplan is to put together the right crew, get the right equipment, and finally plan and execute the biggest heist ever.

SuperTuxKart Open Source Racer Is Going Graphical With A New Engine

By Liam Dawe,
SuperTuxKart a lot of Linux users favourite little open source racer often compared to Nintendo's Mario Kart is to get a ton of graphical updates.

Codemasters Looking At Supporting Linux, GRID Autosport Possible

By Liam Dawe,
A Linux user sent a shot in the dark to the Codemasters team with decent results. It's a matter of when now and not if! So, Linux could see another AAA racer come our way in future.

TowerFall Ascension Now Officially Coming To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
TowerFall Ascension is a game we only talked about a few days ago as the developer was interested in doing a port, the developer has now confirmed he is working on a Linux port. TowerFall Ascension is an archery combat game heavily praised, can't wait.

Ceres, A Tactical Space Combat Game That Looks Great

By Liam Dawe,
Ceres is a cyber-tactical space combat game, where you lead a squadron of ships in an exploration and battle-filled single-player campaign. Inspired by Homeworld, Elite and Paradroid, it features thorough ship customization, advanced cyber-warfare and elaborate space combat.

MouseCraft, The Mix Of Lemmings & Tetris To Release This July For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
MouseCraft is a quirky mix of Lemmings and Tetris where players help a group of mice in their relentless quest for cheese, guiding them to their goal by stacking different types of Tetrominoes along their path.

New Unreal Tournament In The Works, Could See A Native Linux Version

By Liam Dawe,
Some hot news today is that Epic Games is working on a next-gen Unreal Tournament and it's not out of the realm of possibility that it will see a Linux client since Unreal Engine 4.1+ now officially supports Linux.

Battleblock Theatre Will See Same-day Linux Support At Release This May

By Liam Dawe,
We already let you know last month that Battleblock Theatre would have a Linux version, the best news is the date is now set for the release and it will be simultaneous on Linux & Windows.

Quest for Infamy Classic Point & Click Adventure Game Arrives On Linux Soon

By Liam Dawe,
Quest for Infamy is a game that looks absolutely fantastic for a point & click adventure game, it mixes some old styles of play with some interesting looking combat as well.
Showing 4940 to 4960 of 5411 entries found.