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Elliot Quest is an adventure/RPG inspired by Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. In Elliot Quest, players explore the mysterious Urele Island in search of an ancient demon, navigating through 8 dungeons, defeating over 16 bosses, and discovering countless treasures.
Build a prosperous colony, fill it with magnificent factories worked by oppressed labourers, and harness the awesome power of steam through fearsome machines invented by determined men and women of Science!
Arcen Games creators of Bionic Dues, AI War, Skyward Collapse have teased their new game "The Last Federation" which is a space-based mix of strategy and tactics.
When quizzed about whether there were plans for Linux support for additional titles, Cipher Prime (creators of Splice and Fractal) responded with a call for testers.
Become a Jamaican Reggae legend in an adventure game co-designed by Corey and Lori Cole (Creators of the Quest for Glory series and the in-development adventure RPG Hero-U).
The developers emailed this in one to let us know about Alone, a very interesting looking horror game for the Oculus Rift which supports Linux of course.
You may not remember but we asked the Wasteland 2 guys back in august about Wasteland 1 & 2 release information for Linux, we now know the original will come to Linux too!