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Captain your own space ship and roam the galaxy in 3D in this tactical space simulator with tons of RPG depth ! Space has never looked so inviting - but images can betray...
Democracy 3 is now available for pre-order which comes with the beta version, beware though the port is not done by the developer so we may see issues like we did with Gratuitous Space Battles and lack of updates and DLC.
Worlds of Magic is a 4X game being developed by a team of Master of Magic fans, determined to recapture the gameplay feel of the original MoM but with updated technology.
The awesome looking turn based strategy game Battle Worlds: Kronos has recently done a new alpha video to show it off. It has also just entered closed beta, it's coming soon folks!
The idea is simple: stay in the arena. Variety is added with mutators and game modes to change the rules of play, bots and shoulder-to-shoulder multiplayer.
Halfway is a turn-based strategy game taking place a few hundred years in the future. You take control of a small group of people who are witnesses to a violent overtake of their spaceship by an unknown species.
We announced Glare to you previously with some excellent looking screenshots and now the developers have sent in a video of the game in action, and it's looking good.
So it seems that the guy porting Painkiller: Hell and Damnation has left Farm51 but he has stated on twitter that the Linux port has not been cancelled.
Last Genesis is a survival game with a cooperative and multiplayer aspect. You play as Adam/Eve, a survivor from the destroyed earth and is transported to a mysterious wild. You will have to scavenge for supplies, build shelter, cooperate with other people to survive this hostile environment.
Incognita is a turn-based tactical espionage game, and is currently in development and will be available for Linux, from the makers of Don't Starve which is an excellent game itself.
Hotline Miami is a high-octane action game overflowing with raw brutality, hard-boiled gunplay and skull crushing close combat. Set in an alternative 1989 Miami, you will assume the role of a mysterious antihero on a murderous rampage against the shady underworld at the behest of voices on your answering machine.
Life Goes On is a comically morbid puzzle platformer game, where you send a series of dauntless medieval knights through a trap-ridden gauntlet, sacrificing them one by one to make progress. Impale a knight on a spike to provide the safe platform needed to cross a pit. Catch another knight on a saw blade so their body falls on a button to solve a puzzle.
The critically acclaimed PSN hit PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate makes its way to Steam Linux for the definitive Monsters experience! Currently looking for testers too.
A first look at the alpha demo of the upcoming free, class based multiplayer shooter 'Alien Arena: Tactical'. We list the available player roles, explain the gameplay, mechanics and goals, as well as point out a flaw or two. All this to give you a general idea before the public demo, but also to prepare for feedback gathering.