Category: Upcoming

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Dead Sky Zombie Survival Shooter With Co-Op Game play

By Liam Dawe,
Dead Sky takes place amidst the chaos of a mysterious undead outbreak, where you will fight tooth-and-nail through hordes of zombies in order to escape the epidemic and find a safe haven.

Don't Starve Survival Game New Content Update on August 20th

By Liam Dawe,
Don't Starve the awesome game of survival with a very interesting and dark graphical style is to get a brand new content update on the 20th of August, on top of all the other ones they have done since release!

The Chaos Engine available for Pre-Purchase on Steam

By tweakedenigma,
Prepare for the dark world of The Chaos Engine, a steampunk Victorian age in which one or two players must battle the hostile creations of the Chaos Engine across four dynamic landscapes and take part in the ultimate battle.

Timelines: Assault On America Gameplay Trailer

By Liam Dawe,
I have been waiting for this and I am pleased! Timelines: Assault On America now has an actual gameplay trailer and it looks great!

Enemy Starfighter Shows Off A New Trailer

By Liam Dawe,
This makes me giddy, Enemy Starfighter a space combat simulation game has a brand spanking new trailer to show off some of the progress that has been made on the game.

Tropico 5, City Builder Will Come To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Wow the awesome news doesn't stop, Tropico 5 the island city builder will come to Linux as stated in their official announcement! Am I asleep?

Are About To Support Linux?

By Liam Dawe,
So I recently did an article titled "Will Ever Support Linux On Its Store?", well looks like that may be coming true soon enough folks.

Football Manager 2014 is ready for pre-orders and on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Football Manager 2014 is now up on Steam and ready for Linux users to show their pre-order love for Football and Linux! It will also allow you to have a copy of the Beta weeks before release to help test and polish up your skills.

Natural Selection 2 FPS/RTS Will Release On Linux August 30th

By Liam Dawe,
Natural Selection 2 a game we have told you about a good few times is now scheduled to be released on August 30th for Linux users along side a new content update named "Reinforced".

System Shock 2 cult classic sci-fi horror FPS-RPG Looks Like It Is Heading To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
You awake from the cold chill of your cryo-tube to discover cybernetic implants grafted to your flesh and the crew of the starship Von Braun slaughtered.

Starbound Has Had A Lot Of Updates Recently

By Liam Dawe,
Starbound the awesome looking universe sandbox game that should hopefully be out this year has been showing off daily updates of their progress, this is aimed at being a short look at some of these updates.

Phoenix Universe of Space Combat MMO to come soon

By Liam Dawe,
Phoenix USC is a fast action space combat game inspired by SubSpace ( Phoenix USC is an MMO that will handle hundreds of players per server and will come complete with it's own map/world editor.

Gunpoint stealth puzzle game will come to linux

By Liam Dawe,
Gunpoint is a stealth puzzle game that lets you rewire its levels to trick people. It may also involve security guards and getting pushed out of windows.

IndieCity game client is launching soon

By Liam Dawe,
IndieCity the game client (think Steam/Desura) we previewed and interviewed for you is still working its way towards Linux going by their latest blog post!

Super Ubie Land to come to Linux Tuesday the 13th!

By Liam Dawe,
Super Ubie Land is a fun platformer inspired by the classics, ‘Super Mario World’, ‘Kirby’s Dreamland’ and ‘Donkey Kong Country.’ It is a love letter to fans who wish to continue to play 2d based platformers similar to the ones we all loved to play during the NES and SNES era.

Estranged HL2 Single Player Adventure Mod On Its Way To Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
The developers of the Half-Life 2 Mod "Estranged" have noted they have upgraded it to the latest SDK to bring Linux support (and Mac).

Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers waiting on publisher approval for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Experience top combat action in this brand new arcade flight sim and become immersed in the exploits of famous aircraft carriers. The developers have stated they expect it to hit Linux in a few weeks.


By s_d,
Interview with Andy Schatz, founder of Pocketwatch Games and developer of the award-winning multiplayer stealth game, MONACO: WHAT'S YOURS IS MINE, coming soon to Linux.

CHAOS: Act1. In the Darkness a new action rpg coming

By Liam Dawe,
CHAOS is an in-development Action/Role Playing Game from 4Realms which will have randomly generated dungeons.

Hell-IX helicopter combat New Isometric Camera

By xpectral,
Hell-IX developers have been working on an alternative isometric cam, now players will be able to switch between 3rd person cam or a classic isometric cam.
Showing 5300 to 5320 of 5402 entries found.