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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gained a lot of new stuff for Operation Shattered Web, including the Battle Pass system and it's all coming to an end this month.
Wildermyth stole my heart a little, a tactical RPG with a beautifully designed Papercraft world and plenty of character development. It's going to steal more of my time now too with a whole new campaign out now.
Ludeon Studios recently did a surprise Royalty expansion release for RimWorld with the recent patch and it seems it's doing so well that they're going to do more. RimWorld is also now available on
Developer Philip Rebohle today announced the release of DXVK 1.5.5, bringing with it plenty of bug fixes for this impressive Direct3D to Vulkan translation layer.
War, war never changes. Except when it's against a super smart AI that has you completely outgunned, and things just got a lot more interesting with AI War 2: The Spire Rises.
Hey, got any…grapes? Another development release for the compatibility layer Wine is out today, following their regular release cycle we have Wine 5.3.
Valve continue rapidly iterating on SteamVR, as they attempt to push the limits of what VR can do both on the hardware and software side with SteamVR 1.10 out now.
Descenders, an extreme sports downhill freeriding game from RageSquid and No More Robots just got another sweet update and you can now try it free for the weekend.
Gamers can have a little extra farming, as a treat. Stardew Valley is confirmed to be getting another free content update as it just recently hit four years since release.
Ultimate Chicken Horse, a party-platform where you build the platforms as you go is getting a sweet free update with some new toys to play with next month.
Along with the major expansion coming to Stellaris with Federations, Paradox Development Studio as expected are working on a huge free patch and it's sounding good.
Techland are keeping their baby alive a while longer (especially after delaying Dying Light 2), and it appears they didn't forget it turned 5 last month with a huge update and celebration.
Total War: THREE KINGDOMS gained a huge DLC expansion with Mandate of Heaven last month and now the Linux version has been updated to include support for it too.
Paradox have released a new version of their game launcher, the screen that appears when you load most of their modern games to give a few little handy features.