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Category: Update

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The Wine 5.2 development release is out

By Liam Dawe,
Alexandre Julliard announced today the bottle for Wine 5.2 has been opened following another two weeks of everyone hacking away at the code.

The latest update and brand new trailer for 'Vintage Story' look fantastic

By Liam Dawe,
With a survival experience that's so crammed full of features you're likely to get lost for weeks, Vintage Story has always looked pretty good. Recently though? They turned it up a notch or two.

Martian city-builder 'The Farlanders' has a big new release up with a Happiness system

By Liam Dawe,
Sweet small city-builder The Farlanders is evolving into a bigger game, with a new release now up introducing some fresh game mechanics.

NVIDIA have a new Vulkan Beta driver out for Linux fixing some regressions

By Liam Dawe,
NVIDIA continue being quick to advance their Vulkan drivers as today they released an update to their special Beta branch.

Space Impossible has a huge new release out for you to get building a starship

By Liam Dawe,
Explore space in a fully customizable and destructible spaceship in Space Impossible, which just had a massive update as they bring it into Beta.

Vulkan overlay layer 'MangoHud' continues advancing quickly with a big new release

By Liam Dawe,
MangoHud enables you to quickly and easily monitor FPS, temperatures, RAM, VRAM and do a little benchmarking too. A fresh release was just today put up.

Valve released a new Stable version of the Steam Client - Steam Play filter for Big Picture Mode added

By Liam Dawe,
Yesterday, Valve released an update to the Steam client pulling in a whole bunch of feature changes and a few visual adjustments from the recent Betas.

Bronze Age pixel-art RTS 'The Fertile Crescent' has a bunch of visual upgrades

By Liam Dawe,
Continuing to grow into quite a fantastic little free real-time strategy game, The Fertile Crescent has gone through a few visual upgrades lately.

Open source sim 'OpenTTD' enters feature freeze for the next major version

By Liam Dawe,
The classic free and open source sim OpenTTD, based upon the popular Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" has now entered a feature freeze period with the first Release Candidate out for the upcoming major update.

Brilliant and unique Metroidvania 'Dandara' getting a Trials of Fear Edition - free update

By Liam Dawe,
Publisher Raw Fury recently announced that Dandara, a unique gravity-defying Metroidvania from developer Long Hat House is getting a Trials of Fear Edition.

UnderMine gains a female peasant and tons of new content in the latest update

By Liam Dawe,
Action, adventuring, dungeon exploration like found in The Binding of Isaac and a sprinkle of RPG mechanics makes UnderMine a lot of fun to go back to and a huge update is out.

Proton 5.0 for Steam Play released - it's a huge update (updated)

By Liam Dawe,
CodeWeavers and Valve today released the big one many have been waiting for! Proton 5.0 for Steam Play is now live.

Direct 3D to Vulkan translation layer DXVK has another small release up

By Liam Dawe,
Another fresh release of the Direct 3D to Vulkan translation layer, DXVK, was released today which continues their cycle of bug fixing.

You can test the huge "Nether Update" for Minecraft in the latest Snapshot

By Liam Dawe,
Mojang are busy bees working on a massive update to Minecraft, mainly focusing on expanding The Nether and you can test out this big update in a brand new Snapshot.

City-building god sim 'The Universim' enters Beta, full release this year

By Liam Dawe,
After a long road since the Kickstarter in 2014, Crytivo's city-builder that mixes in some god sim elements The Universim is now considered to be in Beta with a huge update.

Pioneer, the classic open-source space sim has a big new release out

By Liam Dawe,
Inspired by the classic Frontier: Elite II, Pioneer is a free and open source space adventure sim. Open-ended exploration, allowing you to do whatever you want and there's a big release out now.

Developed in Rust, the open-world and open-source voxel RPG 'Veloren' has a big new release

By Liam Dawe,
Veloren, inspired by games such as Cube World, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft this new and in-development open-world RPG certainly has a lot to live up to and a lot of promise.

NVIDIA driver 440.59 released for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
The first stable driver release of 2020, yesterday NVIDIA put out the 440.59 driver for Linux users.

The fantastic deck-builder Dicey Dungeons has a big bug-fix update, plus a new modding tool is out

By Liam Dawe,
Dicey Dungeons is easily one of the best indie games released with Linux support last year, a success for the developer and it's continuing to get better.

Volcano eruptions no longer prevent exploring in Volcanoids with Blast Shelters added

By Liam Dawe,
Volcanoids, an incredibly unique and extremely promising steampunk base-builder just had a huge feature update and it's a big improvement.
Showing 1120 to 1140 of 1595 entries found.