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Treat this with a pinch of salt since we've been unable to confirm it, Valve and Easy Anti-Cheat are apparently working to get it supported with Steam Play.
Valve have pushed out their recent beta updates to the Steam client for everyone now, this does include the option to force Steam Play on shortcuts you've added for games outside of Steam.
Thanks to the great work from Tyler McVicker of Valve News Network, we've learned that a lot of changes seem to be on the way for Valve's card game Artifact.
Valve are keeping Team Fortress 2 alive for Linux gamers with the latest update making some welcome improvements. There's also going to be a TF2 charity event in May.
Valve may be gearing up for an interesting few years, as it seems Erik Wolpaw who helped write Portal, Half-Life: 2 episodes and more is now back at Valve.
Valve have been quick to respond to feedback and issues with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive lately, especially with the Danger Zone Battle Royale mode. In the last week, it's had a few nice updates.
Artifact, the big new card game from Valve isn't doing so well but Valve won't be giving up any time soon. The first major update is out, with a progression system due soon.
Now that the dust has settled and I’ve been able to put plenty of time into the new Danger Zone mode for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, I have some more thoughts.