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Hey guys, this will be my first video contribution to GOL; let me know what you think. Today I'm playing LUFTRAUSERS (yes, all caps) and taking on an army all by my lonesome and having a lot of fun doing it!
Abe is back and he's Odder than ever in this brand new gameplay footage that showcases the dynamic new visual effects, refined gameplay and explosive new sound design of Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, a dramatic ground-up remake of the classic Abe's Oddysee.
Mozilla have been busy haven't they, they are now working with Unity3D on an WebGL exporter while they have also been working with Epic Games to port Unreal Engine 4 to the web!
Time to get excited again folks, Satellite Reign the crowdfunded real-time class-based strategy game that is from the creator of Syndicate Wars has shown off some footage!
In This War of Mine, the focus is shifted away from military operations portrayed in most games. Instead, it is a dark survival game where players control a group of civilians trying to stay alive in a besieged city.
SkyRogue is a fun looking air combat simulator made in Unity, it's currently in the early stages, so sadly its controller support is lacking, but it shows promise.
Paragon Evolved is a fast-paced sci-fi FPS which combines the speed and intensity of older shooters with the tactics and strategy of modern ones. I showed you this when I discovered it some-time ago.
Last month we showed you the first teaser trailer for Astroids, a new 3D space shooter with beautiful graphics that will come to Linux and we now have the next teaser for you.
Steam Dev Days was a very interesting two-day game developer conference with many different developers from all over the world. The videos are now online for all to see!