Category: Video

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Heavy Bullets FPS Dungeon Crawler With Video

By Liam Dawe,
Heavy Bullets is an FPS dungeon crawler from Terri Vellmann in the early stages, but already very promising, with its bright colours and fun enemies it's already fun.

How Does Left 4 Dead 2 Perform On Ubuntu 13.04 Compared To Windows 8?

By Sabun,
Today I bring you a smaller but new test I did recently with my system. I wanted to see what the actual performance difference was when running Left 4 Dead 2 natively in Ubuntu 13.04 versus running it in Windows 8.

GOL Cast: Low Gravity Jumping in Rochard

By Samsai,
I saw that this game had a HUGE discount on Steam and decided to show some footage about it in case you were wondering whether to buy it or not. Queue the low gravity environments and let's start jumping!

Wine Testing: Does The D3D Patch Boost Performance?

By Sabun,
Hey there folks! Today I present to you a small test I did with the recent Wine 1.7.1. The video showcases the differences of games running in a normal Wine 1.7.1 versus a patched Wine 1.7.1.

Gabe Newell At LinuxCon 2013, Linux Is The Future Of Gaming

By Liam Dawe,
Gabe Newell owner of Valve the company behind Steam did a keynote at LinuxCon 2013 inside is a video and the info.

Let's Play Shank Part 1

By tweakedenigma,
Shank combines all the goodness of Classic side scrolling beat 'em ups and shooter games with a modern feel.

SteamLUG Event - Guns Of Icarus Online Gameplay

By Xpander,
Saturday Evening's Steam Linux User Group Event. This time it was Guns of Icarus Online. Here's a short gameplay clip of the action.

Linux Game Recording, The Process Behind Creating GOL Casts

By Samsai,
Gaming, game capturing and video editing, does that sound like Linux to you? Few years ago most of us most likely would have said "no", but I am here to show you the current situation and prove that old fact wrong! Step into my lair of Linux gaming videos!

Livalink the Unity3D FPS gets a nice upgrade

By Liam Dawe,
In Livalink you fight against increasingly difficult waves of Progeny attackers. Experience a variety of unique weaponry, upgrades and combinations that will result in a different gamin...
Showing 680 to 689 of 689 entries found.