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ProtonUp-Qt is the fantastic and simple way to download and upgrade the Linux compatibility tools Proton-GE, Luxtorpeda, Boxtron or Roberta for Steam and works with both Lutris and Heroic Games Launcher too.
To end the year the open source consulting firm Collabora, who often works with Valve, has written up a fresh post with a video to show off their Wayland driver for Wine.
Despite Luna originally using Windows for Amazon's game streaming service, it appears they may be moving over to Linux and they're looking to hire people to work on Proton / Wine and give back to open source.
Bottles isn't exactly a new Linux application but it's one I had only heard about recently. It's been advancing a lot in the last year and it's really looking great.
Another year of work has nearly come and gone with the biweekly development releases of Wine, so a new main release is on the way with Wine 7.0 seeing a first Release Candidate.
More fixes and new features are ready for another development release with Wine 6.21 going out, the compatibility layer for Windows games and applications.
Today, Easy Anti-Cheat from Epic Games / Epic Online Services has officially announced a full expansion for Linux including native builds and Wine + Proton. This is big for Linux Gaming and the Steam Deck.
DXVK, one of the major parts of Steam Play Proton that translates Direct 3D 9 / 10 / 11 to Vulkan has a new release out and there's plenty of nice fixes.
Here we are again time to stop and re-wine. Another development release of the Wine compatibility layer has become available with Wine 6.17 having the bottle popped open today.
CodeWeavers announced recently they need a bit of help on finding more developers, with a spot still currently open for a 'General Wine Developer' who will work on Wine and Proton.