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Category: Wine

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Direct3D to Vulkan translation layer 'DXVK' version 1.5.5 is out with lots of bug fixes

By Liam Dawe,
Developer Philip Rebohle today announced the release of DXVK 1.5.5, bringing with it plenty of bug fixes for this impressive Direct3D to Vulkan translation layer.

Compatibility layer Wine 5.3 is out with Unicode improvements and a number of bug fixes

By Liam Dawe,
Hey, got any…grapes? Another development release for the compatibility layer Wine is out today, following their regular release cycle we have Wine 5.3.

Proton 5.0-3 for Steam Play released, Direct3D 12 support for Metro Exodus

By Liam Dawe,
Another small release in terms of noted changes but still an interested one, with today seeing Proton 5.0-3 for Steam Play being made available.

The Wine 5.2 development release is out

By Liam Dawe,
Alexandre Julliard announced today the bottle for Wine 5.2 has been opened following another two weeks of everyone hacking away at the code.

Proton 5.0 for Steam Play released - it's a huge update (updated)

By Liam Dawe,
CodeWeavers and Valve today released the big one many have been waiting for! Proton 5.0 for Steam Play is now live.

Direct 3D to Vulkan translation layer DXVK has another small release up

By Liam Dawe,
Another fresh release of the Direct 3D to Vulkan translation layer, DXVK, was released today which continues their cycle of bug fixing.

The sad case of Unreal Engine 1 on Mesa and Linux in 2020

By Hamish,
Community support for Unreal Tournament was able to breath some new life into the game, even with the limitations of the closed binary. By 2018 however the game was no longer launching for Mesa users. For an engine with such a pedigree on Linux this outcome is still disappointing.

Wine 5.1 is out - the first development release of the year

By Liam Dawe,
The Wine hackers never stop pushing compatibility forwards, with the first development release of 2020 now available with Wine 5.1.

Proton GE has a fresh new build out with lots of updates and special fixes

By Liam Dawe,
Proton GE, the unofficial build of Proton mainly for use with Steam Play (but you can use it outside Steam too - like with Lutris) has a big new release out with Proton 5.0 GE 1.

Vulkan translation layer DXVK 1.5.3 is out fixing up a 'potentially' critical D3D9 regression

By Liam Dawe,
A small but needed release of the Direct 3D 9/10/11 to Vulkan translation layer has been put out today fixing up some issues.

Direct 3D to Vulkan translation layer DXVK version 1.5.2 is up, lots of fixes for games

By Liam Dawe,
The DXVK team have released another new version of their Direct 3D 9/10/11 to Vulkan translation layer with 1.5.2 now available.

The bottle for Wine 5.0 has officially been popped open as it's out now

By Liam Dawe,
The day has arrived, the official stable release of Wine 5.0 has arrived bringing thousands of improvements and a bunch of new features.

The sixth Release Candidate for Wine 5.0 is out now

By Liam Dawe,
The Wine team have released a sixth and perhaps final Release Candidate for the upcoming stable release of Wine 5.0.

Steam Play Proton 4.11-12 is out

By Liam Dawe,
The first Steam Play Proton release of 2020 is now available with 4.11-12 which is mainly a cleanup.

CodeWeavers still looking to hire more Graphics Developers

By Liam Dawe,
Do you have strong C language skills and good experience with OpenGL, DirectX and Vulkan? CodeWeavers are still looking to hire Graphics Developers.

Wine 5.0 has a fifth Release Candidate, getting real close to final now

By Liam Dawe,
The 5.0 stable release of Wine is really closing in now, with a fifth Release Candidate being released today with some more bug fixes noted.

The first DXVK release of 2020 is here with plenty of D3D9 improvements

By Liam Dawe,
DXVK, the project that (since D9VK was merged) has turned into a massive translating unit of Direct 3D 9/10/11 to Vulkan has the first 2020 release available.

A fourth release candidate is out for Wine 5.0

By Liam Dawe,
With a full release expected a bit later this month, Wine 5.0 has a fourth release candidate up to get in some last testing.

Looks like EA might be banning Linux gamers using Wine to play Battlefield V

By Liam Dawe,
A heads up: there's been reports of people being banned by EA and having EA claim their ban will stay, for playing Battlefield V with Wine + DXVK.

Wine 5.0 has a third Release Candidate with a bunch of bug fixes

By Liam Dawe,
A third tasty Release Candidate is out as the Wine team hack their way towards a huge new stable release with Wine 5.0 due next year.
Showing 320 to 340 of 680 entries found.