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Ah yes, one of my favourite days of the week. The day I get to unleash more glorious puns about Wine with another release now available for those of you wanting to run Windows games and applications on Linux.
Developer Philip Rebohle just released DXVK 1.3, a fun sounding version of the Vulkan-based D3D11 and D3D10 implementation for Wine with some new features.
I had to try really hard to think of a pun I haven't used but I'm not out of juice just yet! The show must go on, with the Wine development release 4.12 now available.
Ah yes, one of my favourite days of the week! The day I get to do a stupid pun and you all whine at me. Alexandre the Grape (someone stop me) has announced the release of Wine 4.10.
I know, that pun attempt hurt my head too. You try and keep this going for months! Today, the Wine team have put out the Wine 4.9 development release as expected with new features and assorted bug fixes.