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Category: Wine

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Wine-Staging 2.3 released, has some minor CSMT improvements

By Liam Dawe,
Wine-Staging 2.3 has now been officially released as they continue to improve their CSMT implementation.

There's a fork of Wine-Staging that allows you to play Overwatch on Linux, still needs work

By Liam Dawe,
It seems someone has forked Wine-Staging adding in all the needed patches for Overwatch to work, so I tested it out.

Wine 2.3 released with more Direct3D command stream and Shader Model 5 work

By Liam Dawe,
Wine 2.3 has officially released today and the developers are continuing their work to improve Wine performance and work on Shader Model 5.

Wine-Staging 2.2 released with CSMT speed optimizations

By Liam Dawe,
The Wine team has put out another Wine-Staging release based on Wine 2.2, this new development release has some CSMT speed optimizations.

Wine 2.2 released with even more Shader Model 5 instructions and work towards Direct3D command stream

By Liam Dawe,
Wine development is starting to heat up again, as Wine 2.2 is now officially available. Sounds like a good one too.

Wine-Staging 2.1 release with CSMT support for DirectX 10 & 11

By Liam Dawe,
Wine-Staging has a big new update which brings in their CSMT (Command Stream Multithreading) support for DirectX 10 & 11.

Wine 2.1 is out with more Shader Model 5 work

By Liam Dawe,
Wine 2.1 is the first development snapshot of the newest Wine code since they release the big 2.0 update. It's a pretty good start too!

Iron Sky: Invasion, the Wine-port from Topware Interactive is out of Beta and on sale

By Liam Dawe,
The Linux Wine-port of Iron Sky: Invasion is now officially out of beta and it's on sale with 80% off for another few days.

Wine Staging 2.0 available, also new on the state of Vulkan, DX11 and more

By Liam Dawe,
The Wine Staging team has release their 2.0 release and they have also written up a blog post detailing work on Vulkan, DX11 and more. Seems a number of DX11 games now work!

Wine 2.0 is now officially available

By Liam Dawe,
I just got the announce email from the Wine team that Wine 2.0 is now officially available. It's an absolutely massive release!

Wine-Staging 2.0-rc6 release, includes more D3D11 work

By Liam Dawe,
Wine-Staging have released their 2.0-rc6 release and it brings in some more D3D11 work further pushing what can be run with Wine.

Wine 2.0-rc6 released, should be the last one before a stable release

By Liam Dawe,
Wine 2.0-rc6 is now available and it brings in another 21 bug fixes which should make this a seriously stable release. It has no new features, as they are in a code freeze.

Wine Staging 2.0-rc5 released, better support for Origin, GOG Galaxy and more

By Liam Dawe,
Wine Staging have released their 2.0-rc5 release which sounds like a pretty interesting release. Plenty of new stuff to play with.

Wine 2.0-rc5 release, moving towards a final stable version

By Liam Dawe,
Wine 2.0 has a fifth release candidate to fix up more bugs to make Wine 2.0 truly as stable as possible.

X-Blades now has a Linux beta powered by Wine

By Liam Dawe,
As promised, Topware Interactive have released a Linux beta of X-Blades on Steam that uses Wine to make it easy for you.

Wine 2.0-rc4 released, fixing 28 bugs to make sure the final release is solid

By Liam Dawe,
Wine 2.0-rc4 has been released with 28 bug fixes. It's a pretty quiet release with no new features as they are in a code freeze to prepare the big 2.0 stable release.

Wine Staging updated, allows you to play DOOM on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Wine Staging, the testing area for future Wine releases has been updated today and it pulls in some patches that allow DOOM to actually run with Wine on Linux.

Wine 2.0-rc2 released with 20 bugs fixed

By Liam Dawe,
With Wine 2.0 right around the corner, the Wine development team has released RC2 of Wine 2.0. No new features as they are in a code-freeze, but it has 20 bugs fixed.

Iron Sky Invasion now has a Linux beta on Steam, uses Wine

By Liam Dawe,
Topware Interactive are again continuing their Wine porting of older titles, this time it's Iron Sky Invasion.

CrossOver 16 is out, built using Wine 2.0

By Liam Dawe,
CrossOver, the commercial interface for Wine has a new major version out, which uses the upcoming Wine 2.0 code.
Showing 540 to 560 of 680 entries found.