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Rustybolts Jan 1, 2011
I found this very good rogue game the music in game is superb, i can see myself getting lost inside this one for a very long time. User interface is much better than other rogue games and can be entirely mouse based, also includes a tutorial to introduce you to the game. If you haven't played any rogue games before this would be a good place to start.


QuoteTales of Maj'Eyal (ToME) is an open-source, single-player, tactical role-playing roguelike and action game set in the world of Eyal.
This is the Age of Ascendancy, after over ten thousand years of strife, pain and chaos the known world is at last at relative peace. The Spellblaze last effects are now tamed, the land slowly heals itself and the civilisations rebuild themselves after the Age of Pyre.
It has been one hundred and twenty two years since the Allied Kingdoms have been established under the rule of Toknor and his wife Mirvenia. Together they ruled the kingdoms with fairness and brought prosperity to both halflings and humans. The King died of old age fourteen years ago, and his son, Tolak, is now king.
The elven kingdoms are quiet. The Shaloren elves in their home of Elvala are trying to make the world forget about their role in the Spellblaze and are living happy lives under the leadership of Aranion Gayaeil. The Thaloren elves keep to their ancient tradition of living in the woods, ruled as always by Nessilla Tantaelen the wise.
The dwarves of the Iron Throne have started a careful trade relationship with the Allied Kingdoms for nearly one hundred years, yet not much is known about them, not even their leader.
While the people of Maj'Eyal know that the mages helped put an end to the terrors of the Spellblaze, they also did not forget that it was magic that started those events. As such mages are still shuned from society, if not downright hunted down. Still, this is a golden age, civilizations are healing the wounds of thousands of years of conflict, even the humans and the halflings have made lasting peace.
You are an adventurer, looking for old powers, treasure and glory. You boldly go in lost and forgotten places, untamed forests and sealed ruins. What will you find in this age of supposed peace ?
Will you meet your destiny, or your own end ? Go to the download page and find out!

They have also produced an engine which made this game and can help you to produce your own rpg.
QuoteT-Engine4: Flexible roguelike game engine

T-Engine4 (TE4 for short) is a roguelike game engine operating in Lua and available for all major platforms (known to work on Windows, OSX, Linux and various BSD).
What does it do?

T-Engine4 provides many building blocks for your own roguelike game:

      Cross-platform support. A T-Engine4 game is completly made in Lua, as such your game will run automatically on all platforms supported by the engine.
      Fast rendering through the use of OpenGL (but you do not have to worry about it, it is well integrated)
      Support for both "old school" ASCII display or graphical tiles
      Generic save/load code, your objects are automatically saveable without anything to do at all in most cases
      Object Oriented design with lots of flexibility, thanks to Lua
      Map handling
      Generic "Entities" concept that can become terrain features, objects, player(s), NPCs, ...
      Keyboard and Mouse easy support
      Various basic entities class interfaces to make your actors have life, stats, talents, ... with the possibility to define your own
      Generic "Zone" design, that can contain and define levels. A zone can be made into a dungeon, a forest, a wilderness map, a town, ...
      Handle either (or both!) persistent and non-persistent levels
      Malleable data structure design
      Extendable "dialog windows" system
      Many utility classes (chats, stores, default interfaces, character generator, ...)
      Keybind system that allows to user to assign keys to abstract actions and then lets a game bind to those actions
      Integrated download center: If you reference your game on te4.org then existing T-Engine4 users will be able to see the game in their list inside T-Engine
      Particles engine for some neat graphical effects
      Sound and music support

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