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MaximB Feb 17, 2011
Postal2 was one of my all time favorite games, and I suspect that Postal 3 *might* not deliver.
Here are my *fears* about Postal 3 :

RWS the original company who developed Postal1/2 isn't directly developing Postal3, the job is being done by a Russian company named Akella.

Postal 3 is made also for consoles, and most games that made for consoles as well aren't as good as they could be.
The graphic capabilities of most consoles are much weaker then what the PC can get.
The gameplay is different on the consoles (there aren't many RTS and good non action oriented RPG's games on consoles), so the games need to be a little "screwed up" to fit them.

I recently learned that the great Postal Dude voice actor named Rick Hunter who voices the main character in Postal2 won't be coming back to postal3 and instead we got a new guy named Corey Cruise who imo (from what I heard of on the trailers) isn't nearly as good as the original :( .

The gameplay is in 3rd person and it's supposed to have a LOT of shooting with ranged weapons, I never got used to that pov in shooters, aiming is much different.

The graphics is much better, but it's been several years and it's should be expected.

Anyways, I still can't wait to try this game and I hope it will be better the Postal2, but I doubt it.
Hamish Feb 17, 2011
Quoting: "MaximB, post: 1250"RWS the original company who developed Postal1/2 isn't directly developing Postal3, the job is being done by a Russian company named Akella.

Yes, but RWS has frequently stated that they would never have a Postal game that was not designed by them. Akella also seems to have been mostly called in to help finish the game after it had been delayed for so long as well when it was being done internally at RWS, or at least that is what I seem to have gathered from the situation. At any rate, I have generally had a good experience when interacting with Russian gamers in the past, as subjective as that assertion may be. ;)

Quoting: "MaximB, post: 1250"Postal 3 is made also for consoles, and most games that made for consoles as well aren't as good as they could be. The graphic capabilities of most consoles are much weaker then what the PC can get. The gameplay is different on the consoles (there aren't many RTS and good non action oriented RPG's games on consoles), so the games need to be a little "screwed up" to fit them.

Hey, I am as knee-jerk anti-console as anyone can be, but I am actually not that worried about this. RWS is still primarily PC oriented, and they are just reaching out to consoles because they a true believers in multi-platform. They are NOT doing it because of the myth that you can make more money on Consoles than on PCs or the FUD that states that that your games will never be pirated if you develop on Consoles. RWS simply wants to enable everyone to go postal in whatever way they see fit, whether on a Linux box or an XBox. And when it comes to that I really can not complain. And in response to your comments on features, it sounds to me that their strategy primarily is to develop the game for PCs, and then beat it up to work (technically and politically) on Consoles. :rolleyes:

Quoting: "MaximB, post: 1250"I recently learned that the great Postal Dude voice actor named Rick Hunter who voices the main character in Postal2 won't be coming back to postal3 and instead we got a new guy named Corey Cruise who imo (from what I heard of on the trailers) isn't nearly as good as the original :( .

Yes, I only heard that recently, and it is disappointing. I can understand why that may be a concern, after all, a game without Stephen Weyte's Caleb or Jon St. John's Duke Nukem would have been disastrous. But that being said, I have not had a chance to hear the new guy yet, so I not will pass judgement until then. Makes me wonder what happened to Rick Hunter though. :(

Quoting: "MaximB, post: 1250"The gameplay is in 3rd person and it's supposed to have a LOT of shooting with ranged weapons, I never got used to that pov in shooters, aiming is much different.

You are not the only person who has been worrying about this, and I can understand that, and apparently they was some division amongst RWS's own ranks about this, but the implementation of the perspective in the game managed to win them over. Maybe they will surprise us.

Quoting: "MaximB, post: 1250"Anyways, I still can't wait to try this game and I hope it will be better the Postal2, but I doubt it.

Yeah, well, that is the attitude I always take when I see a sequel to something great, that way when your expectations are exceeded you can be pleasantly surprised. But I do like some of the things I am hearing about the game, the "good" and "evil" plot lines sound like an interesting addition, and come on: It has a bloody BADGER SAW! :D

At any rate, for now lets hope for the best, okay?
MaximB Feb 17, 2011
Here is the link to the trailer in which the Postal 3 Dude speaks :

Judge for yourself.
tweakedenigma Feb 18, 2011
Sounds fine to me.
MaximB Feb 18, 2011
Fine yeah....but not Great.
Not even close to what it used to sound in Postal 2.
Hamish Feb 18, 2011
Well, I downloaded the trailer as it actually seems to use less bandwidth to download it than to play it straight. Yes, I say again, my ISP sucks considering I have to worry about that.

As for the new guy, he will do. He is not as good as Rick Hunter was, but he manages to pull of the lines fairly well. I certainly do not think it would be enough to ruin the whole game.

And the writing seems pretty good, especially the bit about one of the characters Halliburton pension...
Liam Dawe Feb 19, 2011
Well let's hope this one doesn't take another year to come out!
MaximB Feb 22, 2011
Hamish promised it will come out in a few months tops ;)
Hamish Jun 7, 2011
Just found out the sad news that the real life Champ died on May 25 of Cancer at the old age of 12: :(

He is still to appear in all later Postal works, including Postal III, which still is not released yet. :rolleyes:
Hamish Oct 18, 2011
To anyone who has been reading the recent Phoronix article, do not be alarmed, we are still in their thoughts. Here is the response I got from Vince:

QuoteThanks for writing.

Yes, I said that recently, because its true, the Source engine doesn’t support it

But we want to do it, so it’s a question of finding a way


As long as they have not given up on us, there is no reason for us to give up on them.

I also suggested Alternative Games to them, as they have experience with more graphically intense titles (Shadowgrounds and Trine) and are based in Finland so they would hopefully be able to get a good working relationship with Akella in Moscow. So we will see what we will see. :)
Hamish Oct 18, 2011
Another interesting quote I receieved from Vince:

QuoteRyan [Gordon] is the best, period. He’s been a big supporter and dear friend. The world would be a lot better if more people acted in good faith like him.

So they still have a fairly good relationship. The only problem I can think of is that Ryan has for the past little while effectively become an employee of the Humble Indie Bundle, though that could just be because it has generated so much interest in our platform, and it appears from his Twitter feed that he has a kid on the way to. Still, it is good to know. :D
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