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Liam Dawe Oct 18, 2011
Thanks for finding us the info Hamish it would be interesting if they could keep you up to date on it in the future to see what happens.
Hamish Dec 29, 2011
Postal III was released in Russia, and they have got it out on Steam and some other online sources. They also have a boxed version available from their website, all Windows only at this point, as even the console ports have been delayed due to none of the porting houses offering a reasonable price for the port.

A nice video of some of the gameplay in the Russian release:

Unfortunately it has not gotten a lot of press, so that is not good for them. The only detailed review I could find was from this forum thread:

Still, Akella is still doing a lot of post release development work (including some speculation that they are adding a proper free-roam mode) so waiting a little bit for things to cool down might be a good thing when it comes to Linux/Mac and the console ports.

I am thinking I will contact Vince again in January after things cool down a bit, I have a few things I want to ask him.
Hamish Apr 12, 2012
So it looks like Postal III is dead in the water - everywhere.

Quoting: Jon "Toploader" MerchantAkella have laid off TM, they have not released the SDK either to the public OR RWS (as much as we want it) due to various reasons I'm yet unable to elaborate on. They are not going to patch out the DRM despite all this. Things look pretty bleak ... The SDK could have really given this game future and prolonged it's sales well into the future, not releasing it is frankly retarded ... Akella have really hurt RWS and fucked over the entire Postal community. Even as someone that works with RWS, I'd just rather forget Postal 3 happened.

If they can not even get the Windows version up to scratch, Linux and Mac now certainly look to be out of the question. Things seem to have spiraled out of control even from all of the chaos last year, and it looks like the game is basically dead.

To make matters even worse, RWS has even been having others giving them headaches.

Quoting: Vince DesiJust wanted to check in with everyone to update you on what happened to our site. We were hacked by some fucking ass holes at Anonymous and we have since put up an interactive forum. So make sure you register and participate on our forums!

The good news?

Quoting: Jon "Toploader" MerchantWith the new site launching, the only thing worth talking about is Postal 2.

Well, as was reported earlier, all of the Linux friendly Postal titles are now up on Desura, with Postal 2 itself getting an updated port (thanks to Ryan Gordon again) with better widescreen support and sound fixes. And with all the recent Kickstarter fever, people have even been trying to push RWS to go down that route for their next title.

Quoting: Jon "Toploader" MerchantIt's being considered, there is just debate on if there would be even close to enough support for it.

And if there is a new game coming up, it will probably be a remake of the orginal Postal:
Quoting: Jon "Toploader" MerchantIt's all being discussed. The possibility of a Postal 1 remake is the main focus at the moment ... No news as such, other than it's been decided that a Postal 1 remake would be a very good thing and a kick starter is one of the funding options that's being looked into. It would be isometric, and would use another control system other then what the original did, about all that can be confirmed for now.

So, if you think this is a good idea you can give them some encouragement in this forum thread:

As someone who has derived many hours of fun from their games and has had the honour to correspond with Vince Desi (one of the most open and patient people in the entire industry) on several occasions, I sincerely wish RWS the best of luck in their future efforts.

It is only a shame that Postal III had to end this way....
Hamish Apr 12, 2012
I may want to turn the above into an actual news article - I just keep finding new little details to add to it. :)
MaximB Apr 15, 2012
Thanks Hamish ! nice investigation.

I love kickstarter but I hate people using it for remakes.
If I want to contribute and help your project I want an original game and not something that I've played 10-20 years ago but with better graphics.

Thats the main reason I didn't pledged to "Larry 1 with better graphics".

Shame they use the source game engine, it smelled bad from the start.
Liam Dawe Apr 15, 2012
Well there first problem was going with an engine that doesn't support us :/

Hey their others games do which are awesome and on Desura so i don't hate them, i will be picking up Postal 2 to play through someday since P1 was awesome.
MaximB Apr 15, 2012
About a year ago I've bought Postal 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition (even trough I've pirated it years ago ;) ), just to support the developers.

But now if they want to make a remake of Postal1 I would probably won't donate.

Do something original.
MaximB Apr 16, 2012
It seems that even if they will try to go for Postal1 remake, they will choose a non-Linux friendly engines Linux UDK or Unity :(

Hamish, aren't you a little too young (under-aged) to post in RSW forums ;) ?
Hamish Apr 16, 2012
Eh, I will be eighteen in a few weeks... :rolleyes:

I can understand that they want to work with an engine they are familiar with, especially since they are a bit in the hole. It is really Epics fault more than anyone elses.

Still, I hope they can decide to change their tune. If I was them, I would not want to be licensed or involved with anyone.

Everybody tries to screw them... which is why they made Apocalypse Weekend. ;)
MaximB Apr 18, 2012
On the other hand I didn't like Postal1 so much (maybe because of the poor graphics, or maybe because I can't get used to the controllers and suck at this game), so it's not a big loss for us.
But the sounds are very cool "kill me, I'm dying" ;)
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