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Liam Dawe Mar 6, 2011
Show us your desktops!
Rustybolts Mar 9, 2011
Errm the same! Suppose I need to create a Amnesia icon now it works for me. Still need to complete Penumbra ep2 + ep3 before i start playing it though (....goes off to play Penumbra ep2)
Hamish Mar 9, 2011
The hard-drive with my Fedora 14 system has developed a mechanical fault (don't worry, all of my important data is safe!), so I am back on my Fedora 13 system again. I am going to to spruce it up a bit before giving a screenshot though.
Rustybolts May 20, 2011
A couple of changes to my desktop, most notably the unity launcher (which I have ummmed and ahhhhed about using!) Also I have changed my folder icons.
Brandon Smith May 20, 2011
I like those folders!
Hamish Aug 25, 2011
Since it has been awhile since we have done this, here is a screenshot of my Fedora 13 system as of today.


Will have to wait until I can get that mess with SeaGate resolved so I can get my new hard drive before I can upgrade unfortunately. Probably will end up installing Fedora 16 by then.
Liam Dawe Aug 28, 2011
Been a while for me too so here's mine
Xpander Aug 28, 2011
here is mine
Liam Dawe Aug 28, 2011
Ah nice, a mint fan i see!
Xpander Aug 28, 2011
yeah. switched to mint due ubuntu's unity..sadly i didnt get used to it.
god bless linux for making easy to switch between distros if u have /home on different partition :)
Liam Dawe Aug 28, 2011
Ahh unity there's a convo for another thread lol, also just for kicks, here's a shot on my actual desk in all its messy glory!
I will clean it one day...i guess the day i move out hah!
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