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Hamish Aug 29, 2011
Not often I see someone with more game icons on there desktop than mine Xpander, although I do own a lot of what you show (as would anyone with most of the Humble Bundles). Still, I will see if I can beat you when I get my problems with my new 2TB sorted out and I set up my Fedora 16 system. :p
Liam Dawe Aug 29, 2011
Quoting: "Hamish, post: 2260"Not often I see someone with more game icons on there desktop than mine Xpander, although I do own a lot of what you show (as would anyone with most of the Humble Bundles). Still, I will see if I can beat you when I get my problems with my new 2TB sorted out and I set up my Fedora 16 system. :p

So you are finally upgrading then?
Hamish Aug 29, 2011
Note I said Fedora 16, which is not available until November. I still need to get my refund for those defective drives SeaGate kept sending me. I had already had a fully upgraded Fedora 15 install on one of them before it went nuts. :confused:
Xpander Sep 1, 2011
Did some cleanup :)


Games folder:
Hamish Nov 9, 2011
Final shot of my Fedora 13 system. You have served me well. :)

Xpander Nov 9, 2011
final shot of my Linux Mint 11 (i will miss u gnome 2.3x)

ohh and also my games folder:

Mint 12 RC with Gnome 3 + MGSE in about 2 days
Kame Nov 9, 2011
My very boring dual screen desktop:

Liam Dawe Nov 10, 2011
Seems like Linux Mint is really growing it's user base recently!

My current boring near bog standard ubuntu desktop at present, meh it works for me.
Rustybolts Nov 12, 2011
Finally uninstalled Ubuntu and now have my gnome 2 goodness back :D
Liam Dawe Nov 13, 2011
The only problem I currently have with unity is how to edit menu entries, as with gnome you just use alacarte, someone on ubuntu forum tried to explain how to edit unity items but it seemed very long winded and not worth the bother :(
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