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Defense Grid 2 Kickstarter
Bumadar Jul 13, 2012
Over at there is a new kickstarter for Defense Grid 2.

Their primary goal is $250.000 but they do have a target for Linux (and Mac) which sadly is at $750.000.

It's an impressive looking kickstarter campaign and looking that how fast it's going up I am sure they will make it but on a personal note I feel they are milking the Linux and Mac key big time by setting that goal $500.000 higher.
Rustybolts Jul 14, 2012
Yeah I saw this one myself but decided not to post the news because of the target limit for a linux version. They dont deserve our love :mad:
Cheeseness Jul 14, 2012
Quoting: "Bumadar, post: 4916, member: 93"It's an impressive looking kickstarter campaign and looking that how fast it's going up I am sure they will make it but on a personal note I feel they are milking the Linux and Mac key big time by setting that goal $500.000 higher.

It's interesting, I interpret this very differently. The primary goal for them is to get Defence Grid 2 made. That happens at $1m, $250k above the Mac/Linux target. With the way they've structured this, Mac and Linux support is a prerequisite for getting the sequel out the door. I don't think I've seen any other Kickstarter campaign work that way.

Even if the figure is large, Mac and Linux users aren't being thrust out there as some crazy stretch goal that no Windows users will be interested in working towards. I think this is a positive thing.
Bumadar Jul 14, 2012
if you look at it that way, however the project gets funded at 250.000, so what happens if they reach 500.000, according to what you say there won't be a Defence Grid 2 since they did not reach the money needed but they do get the 500.000?... or there will be a Defence Grid 2 but just for windows ?
Hamish Jul 14, 2012
It was not until I realized that those were commas and not periods that I understood why people were getting upset. ;)
Cheeseness Jul 14, 2012
Quoting: "Bumadar, post: 4920, member: 93"if you look at it that way, however the project gets funded at 250.000, so what happens if they reach 500.000, according to what you say there won't be a Defence Grid 2 since they did not reach the money needed but they do get the 500.000?... or there will be a Defence Grid 2 but just for windows ?

According to their FAQ they're hoping to do it anyway, but who knows.

I also find the structure of this campaign to be interesting (with a smaller "funded" target that's well behind the ultimate goal). I think I like the idea of having deliverables all the way up the scale (so that something interesting still comes out of it even if they don't make their Defence Grid 2 target), but as you say, most of those are before the cross platform target. Either way, I see this as being more favourable than the way most other Kickstarter projects have been structured (with nothing after Linux support).

Quoting: "Hamish, post: 4921, member: 6"It was not until I realized that those were commas and not periods that I understood why people were getting upset. ;)

Different countries and languages use different digit separators ;)
Liam Dawe Jul 15, 2012
That's an insane goal for Linux support pah doesn't deserve us!
Cheeseness Jul 15, 2012
Quoting: "liamdawe, post: 4923, member: 1"That's an insane goal for Linux support pah doesn't deserve us!

$250k above the previous tier, and $250k below the main target? That's heaps less offensive than most other Kickstarter campaigns...
Bestia Jul 15, 2012
It's not strictly goal for Linux (and Mac) because even if they reach $750 000 it still won't fund Defense Grid 2 development. With that money they will be able to port their new engine to Linux (and Mac) which is one step closer to make DG 2.

[[COLOR=#55a4f2]Can't I just fund DG2 only?]([/COLOR]
QuoteWe said ok, we're going to have a team building DG2, what do we need to do. "Well, we need a story, and we need the story to be bigger than last time. We need the new engine. We need multiplayer. We need a level editor. We need Mac & Linux support. We need new leaderboard technology." And those are all things in our DG2 spec.

Quote"And then once we're on the new engine, we can release it with the multiplayer and original content early on Mac, Linux, with more multiplayer and with the level editor we're building." Ok. "And then when it's all done, we can release DG2."

[LEFT][[COLOR=#55a4f2][FONT=Helvetica Neue]Exactly what do I get for a $15 pledge? Do I get DG2 if we cross $1m raised?]([/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]
QuoteIf we raise $750k, you'll get DG:Containment, the remastered DG1 with multiplayer, the level editor, and Mac & Linux versions. If we raise $1m you'll get DG:Containment & DG2 for sure, and the community can vote on whether they want us to have us make a remastered DG1 with multiplayer, level editor and Mac & Linux, or just put those resources towards a larger DG2 which will also have multiplayer, level editor and Mac and Linux.
This Kickstarter can bring us Linux gamers not only the second Defense Grid native version but also the first on the remastered engine. The first game works sort of on Wine (there are no towers or enemies displayed).
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