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What distro and desktop do you use?
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KIAaze Jan 24, 2013
Kubuntu 12.10, KDE on Desktop
Lubuntu some version, LXDE on Laptop (and playing with linux puppies sometimes)
Liam Dawe Jan 25, 2013
This link is interesting it shows how their newer classic desktop will look as it's basically shell with some extensions by default.

Looks a lot like gnome 2 of course, glad to see them putting effort into it.
Hamish Jan 25, 2013
Another reason I do not understand all of the GNOME hate - they have actually started listening to some of the complaints.

Also, I read about some of the Thunar changes planned for Xfce 4.12. It may just become great yet. ^_^
Xpander Jan 25, 2013
yeah they started to listen like 1 and half years too late.
even fedora is planning to switch to cinnamon now.

well im sure that gnome3 can make its way to better usability and it will eventually..but currently its not in the good shape.
yeah for some people who just use their computer for internet and music - it might not be too bad to use.
but multitasking on this desktop environment is seriously hindered.
Hamish Jan 25, 2013
Again, more Phoronix-esqe garbage. 

First off, somebody submitted a Fedora feature proposal (a package maintainer). That does not mean it has been accepted. I could go on there and suggest that the desktop be switched to Blackbox (I am still quite fond of Blackbox...) and it would be considered and rejected, as will most likely happen with this. That is what happens in an openly developed community project (again, not these evil committees forcing these changes down your throats.)

Second, after all of the ego allegations thrown at the GNOME developers, I find this notion of "too little too late" highly hypocritical and annoying. After all this time of badgering them in the most rude, gruff, and childish manners possible they are actually giving their dissenters views the time of day and finding a clean way of addressing their concerns, and yet you still stand on your soapboxes and act like you and only you have the moral authority to govern their project. Talk about egos.

And third, I have used Gnome Shell. I have multi-tasked with it. It is not that bad. Yes, it is designed to promote going from one task at a time. But it can be done with a minimal of fuss. Do not like it? Use an extension, or use the Classic Shell in 3.8, or use another desktop. They have been given you options. And actually developers do use Shell, so no, it is not just for content consumption.

Please, you can dislike a DE all you want, but give these tired old cliches a rest, okay?
Xpander Jan 25, 2013
sry did i hurt your feelings somehow?
im talking about my opinion and i can say what i want about it!
at least u should/or actually u allready did some way, admit that they have lost ground with the gnome3. people paniced and switched over to other desktops, when they first released their buggy incomplete gnome3.
ofc things have been slowly improving, but its still not there yet.. will be probably with 3.8.
why i said "late" is because many have switched to kde or any other desktops due the lack of missing features/stability that gnome3 brought at the launch. yeah there are still lots of gnome3 users and who like that.
some people like windows 8 also...
Hamish Jan 25, 2013
Yes, you can assert your opinion. Never said you could not. Does not mean I can not also point out statements I believe to be garbage. I have nothing wrong with you disliking Gnome Shell, just with the way many in the anti-Gnome Shell camp assert themselves (I will admit that much in that post was not directed at you specifically). I will also agree that the Gnome 3 transition could have been handled better. So could the KDE4 one. But to see people still badgering them like this when they are trying actually trying to address some of their concerns really gets me upset.

Anyway, I booted the Fedora 18 Xfce spin today to try out Xfce 4.10 and things are in even better shape with it than I thought. The desktop icons do indeed stay put even after the resolution changes, and Thunar already has tab support! The ristretto image viewer is actually better than eog (never got around to trying it before) and everything is running even faster and more responsively than 4.8 did. So colour me impressed. The spin itself could use a lot more love put into it (the themeing is terrible) but the desktop is actually really nice.
Liam Dawe Jan 25, 2013
I actually have more respect for the gnome developers now they have started listening with the new classic mode since it will actually be supported.

KDE did the same thing, pushed out a product far too early i wasn't too happy with them at the time either but it has come a long way.

I think Cinnamon currently is the way to go, but I love what i have seen from XFCE so far as well. One thing about XFCE which i don't quite get is this:
Quote[FINISHED] Drop User Directories

We've decided to drop users dirs entirely and instead show user-defined bookmarks in the menu. We leave the choice of what to appear in the menu to users.
That seems a bit odd, not sure how that would work in Thunar? Are they just hiding the user directory?

Also try to keep it cool guys, no insults please I know it's quite a heated topic but make sure it stays clean.
Hamish Jan 26, 2013
Quoting: liamdaweAlso try to keep it cool guys, no insults please I know it's quite a heated topic but make sure it stays clean.

Okay, I will remind myself not to read Phoronix and post on here at the same time. Seriously, it is becoming a witch hunt over there.
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