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An Open Letter to Liam Dawe on Censorship
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Poll results: Which of these two extremes would you find preferable?
Never Close Comments, *EVER*
28 vote(s)
Remove Comments Feature Entirely
2 vote(s)
Liam Dawe Aug 30, 2019
Quoting: namiko
Quoting: Liam DaweIf people don't like it, they can leave [...] and start their own site
Ah, the YouTube defence. Classic strategy.
That's me getting tired of repeating myself and my stance. Some points will be taken on and thought on in more depth.

I've already given the reasons why it was locked, I don't wish to continue repeating myself on it. Right decision? In the end, who knows but it's done now.

Don't put GamingOnLinux, me or other editors in a box of your own making. We have never claimed to not have an opinion, I also absolutely do not agree that we shouldn't give our opinion, we've posted numerous editorials over the years and will continue to do so. This was a special case, since it affected Linux too being a Linux game.

Again, I've said all I care to on the topic now. I've put my own points across, as have others.
m2mg2 Aug 30, 2019
A poll on extremes is pointless as most people don't want any extreme. For a valuable result you need add an option in between. Like say, I think it is being handled fine the way it is. That was intentional though wasn't it? I don't want either option and have no reason to vote. Never locking comments ever and having a completely open forum just doesn't work. You end up with comment sections like some current "news" organizations whose comment sections are almost nothing but hate filled, racist, misinformation distributing moronic dribble. They just highlight the worst that our society has to offer. Free speech means you have the right to voice your opinion, it doesn't mean people are forced to listen to you or allow you to post those opinions on their forums or other venues. If you want people to listen to you, you have to find people that want to listen to you, not try and force people to listen to you. There are places that let people say pretty much anything.
fnordianslip Aug 30, 2019
Personally, I'm more than happy for racists, bigots and free marketeers to vote with their feet and go away. Good riddance, I say. I find it ironic that those who label other people as "Social Justice Warriors" tend to be heavily armed and willing to inflict violence on others, whereas those who are labelled as "SJWs" tend to be the least warrior-like people imaginable.

Power to the peaceful, as Michael Franti often sings.
amatai Aug 31, 2019
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Quoting: GuestThe problem here is that when Liam posted this article he picked a side, rather than just making a neutral article about it
He is a journalist, journalism is not neutral.
Would you like if he's been sending the neutral "You may support Linux or you may not" to the video games editors?
I read the website because I support the view of the contributors (and I will support financially the moment I have a stable income)
I totally support Liam & co on this issue. GOL is their home, free speech don't mean you can go on other peoples home to say rude things. If they want to close comment on an article because there are risk of a flame war who will cost them a few hours of their time to moderate it is their right. They have a finite amount of time to give to GOL that has so many better uses.
Hamish Aug 31, 2019
Quoting: namikoIf I had the time, tech savvy, hardware, money, and sanity available to do such a thing, why the hell would I make suggestions in the first place?
I think now would be a good time for all of us to thank Liam for making the time and putting so much of his tech savvy, hardware, money, and sanity into keeping this place running.

An air of entitlement is hanging about at present.
tuubi Sep 2, 2019
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: GuestLike rkfg, I come here for linux gaming related news though, not to have propaganda and political opinions shoved down my throat. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice... And I'm outta here.
What's the problem with opinions that differ from yours? Echo chambers only lead to more conflict down the road. Liam has made it pretty clear that within certain limits, all opinions are welcome as long as you behave.

Clearly all opinions are not welcome, when the comments are locked. And that is what I said was the biggest problem. You're just taking what I said out of context.
No I'm not. Not allowing all-out fights or "bad behaviour" does not silence anyone's opinion. The comments were locked for everyone, not just people who don't agree with Liam. Any opinion worth putting out can be put out respectfully, and respectful discussions have never been locked or heavily moderated on this site.

Quoting: GuestI like how you speak as if what I want is an echo chamber when I'm saying I want the opposite. People can have whatever opinions they want, and it's wrong to silence those opinions, conversely that also applies to my own opinions.
Yet here you are voicing your opinions, and nobody is trying to silence you. We might not get to comment wherever and whenever we want, but that's hardly the same. GOL isn't reddit, and that's how I like it.

My comment about wanting an echo chamber was in response to your laughable comment about Liam "forcing opinions down your throat". That sounds like you only want to hear/read opinions you agree with.

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: amatai
Quoting: GuestThe problem here is that when Liam posted this article he picked a side, rather than just making a neutral article about it
He is a journalist, journalism is not neutral.
Would you like if he's been sending the neutral "You may support Linux or you may not" to the video games editors?
I read the website because I support the view of the contributors (and I will support financially the moment I have a stable income)
I totally support Liam & co on this issue. GOL is their home, free speech don't mean you can go on other peoples home to say rude things. If they want to close comment on an article because there are risk of a flame war who will cost them a few hours of their time to moderate it is their right. They have a finite amount of time to give to GOL that has so many better uses.

Sounds like what you want is an echo chamber. If this is how it's going to be it's disappointing, after all the site is called gamingonlinux not gamingontheleft. If this site really is starting to turn into an echo chamber of far left political ideologies like most game journalist sites; then that would be quite frustrating for probably a good half of linux gamers who frequent this site. Possibly more.
"Far left" my ass. Maybe by US standards. Since when is respect only for leftists? Because that's basically the only thing Liam demands of us.

Quoting: GuestI mean there's not much we can do about it if that's what Liam wants, but a linux gaming site that only represents the small portion of linux gamers that lean to the far left
How small is this portion exactly? Just curious, as you seem to have the numbers. So far I don't see any evidence that you represent a majority.

Quoting: GuestYou can be selectively neutral about some things. Being neutral about something doesn't mean you have to become some kind of buddha.
You're asking him to be neutral about anything that you consider political. In effect anything that actually matters.
denyasis Sep 2, 2019
Quoting: Liam DaweAgain, I've said all I care to on the topic now. I've put my own points across, as have others.

If I may say one thing of your moderation decisions:

I would let my young children read Gaming on Linux.

Please keep up the excellent work.
fabertawe Sep 18, 2019
Quoting: Liam DaweAsking us to never close comments is asking us to allow GOL to turn into a hell-hole though. We are moderated, always have been and always will. We have to take a stand somewhere and we can't please everyone, all of the time ...[snip]... As long as people remain respectful this forum topic can stay open to have a productive chat about it. Believe me, I want to have the best community possible.

A pointless thread and the perfect answer in post 2. I only read page 1.
Eike Sep 19, 2019
Not reading the thread and not taking part in this poll without reasonable options:
Please, Liam, continue as you did, you're doing a good job in difficult situations (and all this in your spare time). Thank you.
Liam Dawe Sep 19, 2019
Quoting: EikeNot reading the thread and not taking part in this poll without reasonable options:
Please, Liam, continue as you did, you're doing a good job in difficult situations (and all this in your spare time). Thank you.
Just a small correction, GOL is a full-time operation. It's only in spare time once it passes 3:30PM on week days and weekends ;)
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