The new Jagged Alliance Flashback game is now on Steam's Early Access section, with comes some good reviews and a Linux version soon!
The latest and greatest in open source RTS gaming is here with 0 A.D. alpha 16! Featuring some really awesome new kit.
And here comes the last treat he had prepared for you to celebrate the first anniversary of The Funding Crowd. A full year worth of successes and stats that we have been regularly dosing in our columns, now in one whole go!
Today marks the day that Toribash is officially on Steam for Linux. If you remember we actually had the developers give away 15 copies of the game right here in March as well to help test it.
Road Redemption has shown off a brand new trailer crammed full of crazy, it's actual game-play too of the spiritual successor to Road Rash.
Wine development team was able to produce a new experimental release today. 1.7.19 brining many new features and as many as 99 bugfixes.
From the developers of Ground Pounders & Sword of the Stars comes Kaiju-a-Gogo, it's time to take over the world with big scary monsters.
Flower Shop: Summer In Fairbrook is a dating and farming simulation game, yup those two genres have actually been merged, join me in being confused.
Humble Bundle are currently doing 14 days of bundles with a new bundle everyday. Today's bundle is good for Linux as it's a re-bundle!
Telepath Tactics is a turn-based strategy RPG set in the steampunk universe of Telepath RPG. It looks really good.
Tallowmere is one of the more interesting Procedural Death Labyrinth games that I have come across recently and I am shocked it isn't more popular.
Here is a look back at the last week on GamingOnLinux, an easy way to for you to keep up to date on what has happened in the past week for Linux Gaming!
Hive is a licensed version of the Mensa Select award-winning board game also called Hive and it's currently in beta for Linux.
Planetary Annihilation has recently overhauled the balance of the game in the latest patch as they aim to improve all aspects of the massive-scale RTS game.
Heavy Bullets is a game I have covered here a few times and for good reason, the game-play even very early on was solidly built and interesting.
BattleBlock Theater as promised is now out for Linux on Steam bringing with it some co-op platforming mayhem and it looks awesome.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren`s Call is another rather beautiful hidden object game from Artifex Mundi. The in-game graphics and cinematics are really something, this is one not to miss.
In Generic Space Shooter you have one simple mission, survive for as long as you can and battle against the odds with plenty of pewpewpew.
Escape Goat 2 just got more awesome with its 1.1 update, time to goat down to business (that was terrible right?).
We showed you SUPERHOT back in September of last year. It's now back seeking funding on Kickstarter to bring out a full game and unsurprisingly it's already over-funded.