Space Hulk - Set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, an intriguing story of legendary battles and heroic actions unfolds. Play as a small squad of fearless Space Marine Terminators who a...
Wayward is a turn-based, top-down, wilderness survival roguelike currently in beta.
In Wayward, there is a large focus on simulation, survival and openness. There are no cl...
A beat 'em up/platforming/fighting game hybrid with an electro style. You can smack guys, attach their parts and get their abilities!
The developers of Megabyte Punch ...
Ittle Dew looks like a fun little game that is heading over to Linux soon. With very crisp cartoon graphics and interesting looking puzzles, it's not one to miss.
Paragon Evolved is a science fiction first-person shooter developed by two people using the Unity game engine. It has a very early demo available to try and it's looking good!
The latest IndieGameStand has launched and this time features 3 games brand new to Linux being Soulcaster I, Soulcaster II and also Escape Goat! The usual pay what you want deal to get some great g...
Welcome to a rather late The Cheapskate's Corner edition. We won't be wasting your time with lengthy introductions, so let's get to the point: what have you missed if you didn't read our last column?
Planetary Annihilation sure has come a long long way since the initial Alpha releases and it's shaping up to be something seriously awesome!
They recently released the first public ve...
Wasteland 2 that high profile Kickstarted RPG game that helped bring Unity3D over to Linux has been delayed! This news comes in from their latest Kickstarter ...
If you were interested in getting your copy of Indie Game The Movie activated on Steam for Linux you will sadly have to wait a while!
I decided to contact the guys behind it to...
The next set of titles has been Greenlit on Steam, 16 titles in total, 2 applications and 14 games, 7 of the games will support Linux! Not bad!
The titles to support us are:
Making good use of our new Zombies category, Damned Nation is an up and coming 3D survival game built in Unity3D that will come to Linux, it has a very early demo too.
Do you still have some money left after the Steam sales? Do you like to support small indie studios to fulfill their dreams of releasing amazing and creative games for Linux? Then The Funding Crowd is just what you need! Keep reading and ...
Fancy Skulls is a first person shooter with procedural generation and permadeath, or simply FPS roguelike. This is why indie's rock, I love mash ups like this, especially FPS!
In thi...
Take control of shovel-master Fagus the grave robber extraordinaire in this third person stealth action-adventure. It's a curious blend of whimsical English comedy and grim Dickensian horror made by a two-man team dedicated to fun, addictive gameplay.
For the rest of this week, if you use coupon code BIRTHDAY2013 when purchasing the game, you'll get it for only $5, which is 40% off the regular price.
Thank you for helping me to celebrate my birthday. And of course, feedb...